
  • 网络national front
  1. 相比之下,英国独立党(UKIP)和法国国民阵线(NationalFront)等欧洲民粹主义反移民政党的崛起正将移民辩论推向更右倾的方向。

    In Europe , by contrast , the rise of populist anti-immigration parties , such as Britain 's UK Independence party and France 's National Front , is still driving the debate to the right .

  2. 在勒庞发现穆斯林是一个更好的靶子之前,法国国民阵线曾坚定地宣扬反犹太主义。

    The National Front in France was rooted in anti-semitism before Ms Le Pen judged Islam a better target .

  3. 是的,像法国国民阵线这样的极端右翼团体可能会从本周的事件中获得好处。

    Yes , extreme right parties like France 's National Front will likely benefit from the events of this week .

  4. 德国新选项党、法国国民阵线和英国独立党崛起的背后有一项关键因素:他们的领导人决定不诉诸露骨的种族主义,更别说身着制服实施暴力行为了。

    One crucial element in the rise of AfD , the National Front and Ukip is the decision of their leaders to steer clear of explicit racism , let alone uniformed violence .

  5. 法国极右政党“国民阵线”在周日的欧洲选举中收获了近四分之一的选票。

    France 's far-right National Front party attracted one in four votes Sunday at the European polls .

  6. 去年12月在地区选举中(就在那次最严重的袭击发生之后),法国主流选民有策略地投票支持社会党和共和党候选人,以防反移民的法国国民阵线(NationalFront)在任一选区获胜。

    In regional elections last December , just after the worst attack , the French mainstream voted tactically for Socialist and Republican candidates to prevent the anti-immigrant Front National from winning a single region .