
  1. 研究发现三组雇用人员各构面护理品质表现均以编制内最佳,其次是契约人员,外包人员品质最低。

    The worst care quality was delivered by outsourced nurses employed by agency companies contracted to the public hospital .

  2. 他在16岁时进入了南方联邦的编制内,不久之后被抓为俘虏。

    He had enlisted in the Confederate army at the age of 16 and served briefly until captured as a prisoner of war .

  3. 各家航空公司编制内都有数十位气象专家,尽可能协助规划航班并指引其避免乱流,飞行员也能获得大量的即时信息。

    Each airline has dozens of meteorologists on staff helping to plan and guide their flights to avoid turbulence whenever possible , and pilots have access to a wealth of real-time information .

  4. 大学生村官主观意愿集中于经上级相关部门向上推荐可以直接给予他们编制内的工作,表现出他们对政策强烈的依赖。

    The undergraduate student village officials ' subjective wishes focus on the work within the establishment which provided by the related superior departments ' direct upward recommendation , which shows their strong dependences on the policy .

  5. 本文从介绍等高线内插的各种数学模型入手,并基于MicroStation的二次开发语言MDL(MicroStationDevelopmentLanguage)采用三角网/线型插值法建立数学模型编制了内插程序,且运用到生产中。

    From all kinds of models of contour interpolation , introduces the program of the triangle-net model of linear interpolation developed by the development language MDL ( MicroStation Development Language ) based on the MicroStation , and puts it in practice .

  6. 编制卷内指导目录提高我校科研项目材料归档工作质量

    Improving the Quality of Research Projects File Archiving by Compiling Volume Guide Directory

  7. 该优化系统为济南铁路局编制管内列车编组计划提供了依据。

    This optimization system provides the references for the establishment of internal train formation plan in Jinan Railway Administration .

  8. 自动抽词标引除编制题内关键词索引外,至今没有突破性进展,主要是检准率太低。

    Except for keyword-in-context index , there is no breakthrough made in automatic derived indexing today due to low precision ratio of retrieval .

  9. 将编制的内罚函数法优化程序应用于主梁的设计,计算结果表明,该优化方法可应用于实际设计。

    The program based on the optimization theory and inside penalty function theory is applied to the design of box main grider . Can learn that the numberical results show that the optimal design method is applicable to practical design .

  10. 包装:25公斤塑料编制袋,内塑外编。

    Packing : plastic woven bag inner plastic bag with net weight25KG .

  11. 配合人事行政经理编制管辖范围内的预算,控制行政管理费用。

    To support the HR manager to prepare budgets with responsibilities and to control administrative costs .

  12. 该研究共108名被试,通过启动被分为自我意识和无自我意识两组,调查表则选用蔡华俭等(2001)编制的创造力内隐观调查表。

    In the study , 108 subjects are divided into the self-awareness-through-the-launch group and without-self-awareness groups . Surveys form are used Caihua Jian et al ( 2001 ) Implicit Theories of Creativity Questionnaire .

  13. 每一个局部优化问题采用多模型协作方式来编制各自范围内的生产计划,5个部分之间采用多系统协作方式完成一体化生产计划的编制。

    Each local optimization system can produce its production plan by using multi-model cooperation , and the integrated production plan is produced by the five local optimization systems with the mode of multi-systems cooperation .

  14. 从温度场设计的角度出发,利用交替方向隐式原理编制了膜层内温度分布数值计算程序,通过计算薄膜热参数对膜层内温度分布的影响,对沉积工艺进行了相应的调整。

    Based on the analyses , temperature distribution of optical film layers irradiated by the laser pulse was calculated with the Alternating Direction-Implicit Technique . From the results , we adjusted the technique parameters .

  15. 他还编制了《黄帝内经》的医学经典和对农业帮助作用极大的农历。

    He also commissioned the compilation of , The Yellow Emperor 's Medicine Classic as well as the Farmer 's Calendar which aided greatly in agriculture .

  16. 员工群体的满意均值随工作年限的增加,呈现波段式上升的趋势;不同编制归属的医院员工,对福利待遇的评价的统计差异显著,编制内员工的满意均值最高。

    Employee groups , the mean satisfaction with the increase of years of work , showing an upward trend in band style ; different ownership of the hospital staff prepared , on the benefits of statistical evaluation of significant differences , the staff compiled the highest average satisfaction . 4 .