
shōu jù
  • receipt;acquittance
收据 [shōu jù]
  • [receipt] 收到财物后写给对方的字据

  • 开一张收据

收据[shōu jù]
  1. 保存收据,作为购物证明。

    Keep the receipt as proof of purchase .

  2. 保存好收据作为购货凭证。

    Keep your receipt as proof of purchase .

  3. 请给我开个收据,好吗?

    Can I have a receipt , please ?

  4. 我来给你开一张收据。

    I 'll write you a receipt .

  5. 核对你的收据与结算单是否相符。

    Check your receipts against the statement .

  6. 我开一张收据给你。

    I 'm going to make out a receipt for you .

  7. 其中一些收据是购买汽车时开的。

    Some of the receipts had been for the purchase of cars .

  8. 她把收据放在提包最里面的口袋里。

    She put the receipt into the innermost pocket of her bag .

  9. 发黄的收据被穿在一根金属扦上。

    Yellowing receipts had been impaled on a metal spike .

  10. 邮资单据不能当作收据。

    Proof of postage will not be accepted as proof of receipt .

  11. 斯内普用金笔开了一张收据。

    Snape wrote a receipt with a gold fountain pen

  12. 这些数字是根据1991至1992年间的牙医收据统计得出的。

    These figures are arrived at on the basis of dentists ' receipts for 1991-1992 .

  13. 尽快整理好你所有的账单、收据、发票和开支,并记好账目明细。

    Sort out all your bills , receipts , invoices and expenses as quickly as possible and keep detailed accounts

  14. 这个时候,会计溜了——带走了我所有的银行结算单、资金和收据。

    At this point , the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements , expenses and receipts .

  15. 这是支付一半货款的收据。

    Here 's the receipt for half payment on goods .

  16. 他付款后,那位收款员就开始给他一张收据。

    After he paid , the cashier made out a receipt for him .

  17. 你不开收据,我们回去怎么交差?

    If you don 't give us a receipt , how are we going to account for it ?

  18. 均可持身份证件、购物收据以及从这些商店获得的加盖海关图章的GlobalRefund退税支票等,来工商银行办理即时现金退税业务或通过您指定的账户收取款项,享受到“境外消费、境内退税”的便捷服务.

    you can take your identification certificate , shopping receipts , and Global Refund 's refund checks with Customs ' seal acquired from these shops to ICBC to handle spot cash duty refund or collect fund from your designated account . You enjoy convenient service of consumption abroad and refund at home .

  19. 那个钉子穿过那些收据并使之按顺序排列。

    The spike pierced the receipts and held them in order .

  20. 所有的现金收据应该被每日记录和存放

    All cash receipts should be recorded and de-posited daily .

  21. 在没有收据的情况下,我无法给您退款。

    I can 't give any refunds1 without a receipt .

  22. 我要一张收据。

    I asked for a receipt .

  23. 例句烦请转发您的电子邮件收据,以便我们调查您未收到退款的原因。

    Could you forward your email receipt so that we can investigate why you have not received your refund1 , please ?

  24. 把你的收据拿给顾客服务部,他们就会退钱给你.美国是个很重视消费者权益的国家,所以几乎每个商家,都一定会有一个专门的customerservice柜台。

    Bring your receipt to the customer service , and they will refund you .

  25. B:发票是付了税的收据,而收据指的范围比发票更广泛。

    B : Invoice means the receipt with paid tax . Receipt has wider meaning than invoice .

  26. 日前,德克萨斯州一名被困在一台提款机里的男子,从收据槽里滑出一张写着“helpme”的纸条。

    A Texas man who found himself trapped inside a cash machine slipped " help me " notes through the receipt slot .

  27. W:您带收据了吗?

    W : Do you have the receipt with you ?

  28. 如果您想要收据,请在标有r的方格中打个记号。

    If you want a receipt , put a tick in the box marked ` r ' .

  29. 您的收据呢?w:在这儿。

    Can I see the receipt ? W : Yes , here you are .

  30. 通过对收据和未余额的监管在ar上进行每日更新。

    Daily update of AR with receipts and monitoring of outstanding balances .