
  • 网络harvesting method
  1. 田间试验收获方法的改进与实践

    Improvement of Harvesting and Threshing Method for Field Experiment and its Practice

  2. 方法:在纳米细菌的培养过程中,寻找培养的适宜条件,防污染及收获方法。

    Methods : Desirable culture condition , harvest and antipollution method for nanobacteria were investigated .

  3. 同时,指出了罗布麻韧皮中非纤维素生物降解研究的难点在于规范收获方法。

    In the meanwhile , it is showed that the direction and objective about the biological decomposition of non-cellulose from Apocynum raw fiber were pointed out .

  4. 森林永续收获调整方法的研究

    Study on methods of forest sustained yield regulation

  5. 但这一收获知识的方法十分便捷有效。

    But it ` s a convenient , efficient way to gain knowledge .

  6. 杉木人工林断面积收获模型建模方法研究

    Studies on the Establishment Method of the Basal Area Yield Model of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation

  7. 人们从实践中慢慢学会了测量土地及计算收获数量的方法。

    People gradually learned from practice how to measure their land and how to calculate the quantity of their harvest .

  8. 土壤和气候的不同、以及施肥、病虫害的管理、收获和调制方法的不同,生产出来的叶片有着不同的特性。

    Differences in soil and climate produce leaves that have specific characteristics and require different methods of fertilization , insect and disease management , harvesting and curing .

  9. 读一读下面的10个最好、最有效的收获快乐的方法,知道了它们,你就赶上了幸福的快车道。

    Read on for 10 of the best , most effective happiness tips , and before you know it , you 'll be on the fast track to felicity .

  10. 根据林分平均胸径生长方程和其他林分生长因子的相关规律,探讨编制兴安落叶松天然林可变密度收获表的方法。

    Variable density yield tables of Dahurian larix are constructed based on growth equation of average stand DBH and relationship between average stand DBH and the other stand attributes .

  11. 判断胡萝卜是否合适收获的最佳方法就是根据它的颜色,通常来说,颜色越鲜亮,味道越好。

    The best way to judge if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color . Usually , the brighter the color , the better the taste .

  12. 无论是什么方法,至少快乐是可以获得的,只是需要你努力一把而已。读一读下面的10个最好、最有效的收获快乐的方法,知道了它们,你就赶上了幸福的快车道。

    Either way , the bottom line is that it is possible ; it just takes effort . Read on for 10 of the best , most effective happiness tips , and before you know it , you 'll be on the fast track to felicity .

  13. 收获期和干燥方法对苜蓿干草质量的影响

    Quality . Effect of Various Harvest Time and Drying Methods on Nutritive Value of Alfalfa Hay

  14. 稻米品质的优劣主要受品种遗传特性的影响,但气象条件,土壤条件,施肥与管理,种植密度,收获时期,干燥方法,烹饪技术等很多因素也对稻米品质产生影响。

    The good or bad of rice quality is mainly effected by the character of species hereditary . But the meteorological phenomenon , soil condition , fertilizer application and management , planting density , harvest time , drying and cooking method all have influence on the quality .

  15. 本文通过龄级法与基于最优调整期的线性规划法的比较,认为基于最优凋整期的线性规划法是确定最优收获调整方案的方法。

    In this paper , by comparing age - class method with lines programming method based On optimum regulation period , it comes to the conclusion . that the lines programming method based on optimum regulation Period is the optimum method for making a plan of forest resources harvest regulation .

  16. 方法探索新的羊水细胞培养技术;建立收获标准及改良收获方法。

    Methods : To study the new technical methods and establish the standard of harvest .