
  • 网络Jiaodong Peninsula;shandong peninsula
  1. 产业集群理论与实践对胶东半岛制造业基地建设的启示

    Revelation of the Industrial Cluster Theory and Its Practice versus the Manufacturing in the Eastern Shandong Peninsula

  2. 胶东半岛的原生金金属储量约占全国的1/7。

    The lode Au metal tonnage in the Shandong Peninsula forms 1 / 7 of the national total .

  3. 胶东半岛地区海陆风特征

    Characteristics of Land Sea Breeze in Peninsula Area on Bohai Bay

  4. 伟德山花岗岩体位于胶东半岛的东部。

    The Weideshan complex located at the eastern edge of Jiaodong Peninsular .

  5. 程卓称日环食将在中国的胶东半岛结束。

    Chen said the annular eclipse will end at Jiaodong peninsula in China .

  6. 胶东半岛花生贮藏期害虫群落结构的研究

    Study on quantitative dynamic of Insect Pests Community in stored period of peanut

  7. 其分布密度大致呈现为鲁西北高于鲁西南、鲁西南高于胶东半岛的态势。

    The town density spread northwest higher and southwest higher peninsula in Shandong .

  8. 随着地区经济的蓬勃发展和对外开放的不断深入,胶东半岛也面临着日益严峻的环境工程地质问题。

    However it is confronted with severe environmental engineering geological problems day by day .

  9. 胶东半岛无疑是国内拥有这种人居优势的少数地区之一。

    The Jiaodong peninsula is without doubt one of the superiority minority areas in our country .

  10. 山东省的胶东半岛历史悠久,是我国文化发展较早的地区之一。

    Jiaodong Peninsula , Shandong Province is one of areas with long history and culture developing early .

  11. 混合岩穹隆中所残余含柯石英榴辉岩表明了胶东半岛和苏鲁地区具有相同的构造演化过程,烟台青岛五莲断裂不是华南板块与华北板块间的缝合带。

    The Yantai Qingdao Wulian fault was not a suture between the North China and South China Blocks .

  12. 沿海海域有着丰富的生物资源,胶东半岛也有丰富的风能资源,沿海风光秀丽、气候宜人,适合旅游业的发展。

    Shandong Peninsula is also rich in wind resources , coastal scenery and pleasant climate for the development of tourism .

  13. 关于胶东半岛柳夼红层沉积特征及其成因的探讨

    A discussion about the sedimentary character and the origin of " liukuang red bed " in the east Shandong Peninsula

  14. 这是济南市和胶东半岛的地方风味,它使用葱和蒜。

    This is the local flavor of Jinan City and Jiaodong Peninsula derived from the use of shallots and garlic .

  15. 胶东半岛变质岩区基岩裂隙水形成机理及其开发利用

    Mechanism for the formation of fissure water in bedrock and its exploitation in the metamorphic terrain of the eastern Shandong Peninsula

  16. 首先介绍了胶东半岛地区现代及全新世自然环境,并对全新世大暖期的海平面研究进行了一定的总结。

    To begin with the modern and Holocene environment introduction and the summarize of the sea level in Holocene Megathermal period research .

  17. 提升企业核心竞争力是促进烟台经济发展、建设胶东半岛制造业基地的重要环节。

    Promoting the core competitiveness of the enterprises is the important link of promoting Yantai economic development and constructing Jiaodong peninsula manufacturing base .

  18. 胶东半岛存在不同地质环境和不同地质特征的两类金矿床&中深成热液金矿和浅成热液金矿。

    Guilaizhuang gold deposit is an epithermal gold deposit of Te Au type related to alkaline subvolcanic rocks and controlled by crypto explosive breccias .

  19. 范家埠金矿是胶东半岛苏鲁地体内规模最大的石英脉型金矿。

    The quartz vein-type Fanjiabu gold deposit is economically the most important gold deposit in the Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphic terrane , Jiaodong Peninsula .

  20. 山东省确立建设胶东半岛制造业基地,希望通过胶东半岛制造业的快速发展推动全省经济的更快发展。

    Shandong province has therefore set up the Jiaodong peninsula manufacturing base in hope of propelling its economic growth by the rapid development of the base .

  21. 笔者认为该区的松花粉主要来自西北部胶东半岛;落叶阔叶乔木花粉来源于连云港市云台山;

    The Pinus pollen mainly derives from Jiaodong peninsula , on the northwest of the bay , and the deciduous and broad-leaved arbor pollen from Yuntai mountain .

  22. 本文建立了制造业基地人才集聚效应评价指标体系,并运用主成分分析法对长三角、珠三角和胶东半岛三大制造业基地各市的人才集聚效应进行了比较。

    In this paper an index system on the effect of talent aggregation is established and the talent aggregation effect of China 's three manufacturing bases is evaluated .

  23. 该文分析了海上长岛站与其相邻的龙口、蓬莱、烟台、牟平等沿海站气温的日变化差异与胶东半岛地区海陆风的关系。

    The influence of diurnal temperature variation on land sea breeze in peninsula region on the coast south of the Bohai bay was approached by using data collected at several observatories .

  24. 郯&庐断裂两侧的地质差异由新太古代延续到早白垩世晚期,指示胶东半岛为一独立大地构造块体。

    The geological contrasts on the two sides of the Tan-Lu Fault can be recognized from Neo-Archaean to Early Cretaceous , suggesting that the Shandong Peninsula is a separate tectonic block .

  25. 方法采用流行病学抽样调查的方法,对鲁北的博兴、广饶,鲁西南的嘉祥以及胶东半岛的高密等4县市地方性氟中毒有关指标时行了调查。

    Method The related indexes of endemic fluorosis were investigated in Guangrao coun cy , Boxing county , Jiaxiang county and Gaomi county Shandong province , by using sampling method of epidemiology .

  26. 三山岛金矿区位于胶东半岛西北部,区内构造、岩浆活动强烈,以发育脆性断裂为特征。

    Sanshandao gold mine is located in the northwest of Shandong peninsula , structure and magmatic activity of this area are strong , and it is characterized by development of brittle fracture .

  27. 渤海海域的海上航线沟通辽东半岛和胶东半岛,连接华北和华东,地理位置优越,历来都是最繁忙的海上交通区域之一。

    Bohai Sea route links up Liaodong Peninsula and Shandong Peninsula , connects the North China and East China , occupying strategic location and has always been one of the busiest marine traffic regions .

  28. 青岛作为胶东半岛的经济龙头城市,在中小企业集群发展方面已经有了二三十年的发展历史,但是其发展过程中还存在着一些问题亟待提升。

    Qingdao , as the leader city in Shandong Peninsula , already has 20-30 years of development history in the SME cluster development , it also has some problems to urgently await to promote in its developing process .

  29. 本文分析了胶东半岛北岸现代风沙灾害的特点,成因,提出加强防护林体系建设、局地工程固沙及控制沙源等综合减灾对策。

    In this paper , the authers analysed the features , origins of modern wind-sand hazards in this area and put forward disaster reduction countermeasures , including construction of shelter forest system local sand fixation and sand source control etc.

  30. 胶东半岛的秧歌以胶州秧歌和海阳秧歌影响最大,在2006年这两大秧歌被国务院批准入选首批国家级非物质文化遗产。

    The influences of Jiaozhou Yangko and Haiyang Yangko are biggest inside of the Yangko of Jiaozhou Peninsular . In 2006 , the State Council has approved this two Yangko to be selected into the first national intangible cultural heritage .