
qù ké
  • Shelling;hull;husk;decladding;shucking;dismantling
去壳[qù ké]
  1. 多元高斯混合模型脑MR图像去壳模型

    Brain MR images skull stripping model based on multi-Gaussian mixture model

  2. 未去壳种子的硫甙含量为71.51&82.21μmol/g。

    The con-tent of glucosinolates is 71 . 51 82.21 . μ mol / g.

  3. 天然采集的三个品系的卤虫卵用3%H2O2或3%甲醛溶液或用去壳溶液处理均可以提高孵化率。

    Moreover , the hatchability of the cysts collected naturally can be increased by soaking in 3 % H_2O_2 , 3 % formaldehyde , or decapsulation treatment .

  4. 研究了在1~3℃的条件下壳聚糖对去壳青稞莲子的保鲜作用,结果表明:用1.5%壳聚糖涂膜后,去壳青稞莲子的呼吸高峰推迟了10d,且呼吸高峰降低了30%;

    The preserving effect of chitosan on hulled highland barley lotus seeds under 1 ~ 3 ℃ was studied .

  5. 目前,HamptonCreek的鸡蛋替代品价格约为每磅39美分,约为一磅去壳蛋价格的一半。

    At the moment , Hampton Creek 's egg replacement costs about 39 cents a pound , about half the price of a pound of liquid eggs .

  6. 2001年,加拿大发明家JockBrandis为马里的一个村庄设计了一种手动的去壳器。

    In two thousand one , a Canadian inventor , Jock Brandis , designed a hand-powered peanut sheller for a village in Mali .

  7. Bonavia也同样对待了马克·雅克布为路易·威登最新设计的裙子。这次,去壳的胡桃被用来表现羊毛裙装外套毛茸茸的效果。

    Marc Jacobs'latest line for Louis Vuitton also got the Bonavia treatment , though in this case , shelled walnuts were used to create the woolly effect of the statement coat-dress .

  8. 鸡肉切片,虾灼熟去壳。

    Chop chicken meat , remove shell of shrimp after cooked .

  9. 蚕豆去壳,洗净置盘中。

    Fava husk off , wash and place in the plate .

  10. 稻子先收割,弄干净,去壳,才出售。

    Rice is gathered , cleaned and hulled before being sold .

  11. 在一个小时之内,这中小型机器可以为大约56千克花生去壳。

    In one hour it can shell about fifty-six kilograms of peanuts .

  12. 温饱组织还有一种脚踏板提供动力的去壳器。

    The Full Belly Project also has a pedal-powered sheller .

  13. 将鸡肉冼净切成小粒,辣椒、洋葱切丁,虾去壳备用。

    Chop the chicken , green pepper and onion , peel the shrimp .

  14. 去壳燕麦的蛋白质含量可达19%。

    Groats protein contents range up to 19 % .

  15. 褐色系灰褐到黄褐色气调包装抑制去壳雷竹笋褐变的研究

    Study on Inhibition of Browning of Peeled Bamboo Shoots with Modified Atmosphere Packaging

  16. 各种去壳碾碎的谷物。

    The hulled and crushed grain of various cereals .

  17. 裂颖与去壳对水稻种子萌发生理的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Germination Physiology of Opening Glume Glume and Hulled Rice Seed

  18. 淡水螺类去壳干重和无灰干重的换算方法

    Conversion methods of freshwater snail tissue dry mass and ash free dry mass

  19. 只有你亲手削皮或去壳的水果蔬菜除外。

    The exceptions are fruits and vegetables that you have peeled or shelled yourself .

  20. 但是,在没有机器的情况下为花生去壳则非常麻烦。

    But their is tiring without a machine .

  21. 鸡蛋去壳,加上一茶匙白糖,打成糊浆状。

    Beat the egg with sugar to paste ;

  22. 去壳虽可提高种子发芽势,但对发芽和休眠无影响。

    Dehulling markedly increased germination speed but did not affect germination percentage and dormant seeds .

  23. 这种机器还可以为咖啡,麻风,非洲酪脂树的果实去壳。

    The machine can also shell coffee , jatropha , shea nuts and neem nuts .

  24. 未焙炒或未烹煮的花生,不论是否去壳或破碎。

    Ground-nuts , not roasted or otherwise cooked , whether or not shelled or broken .

  25. 其它食用坚果,无论是否去壳或去果皮,鲜或干。

    Other edible nuts , whether or not shelled or peeled , fresh or dried .

  26. 稻米去壳机,工业用

    Hulling machine , industrial for rice

  27. 兹确认卖给你方手捡、去壳不分等级的花生五十公吨。

    We confirm having sold you50 metric tons of groundnuts , hand-picked , shelled and ungraded .

  28. 结果表明,去壳加工利大于弊,浸提法制油值得推广。

    The results showed that the shelling procss had much advantages and that extraction method should be spreaded .

  29. 整鸟蛋,经蒸或水煮去壳

    Egg , birds ' , whole , not in shell , cooked by steaming or by boiling in water

  30. 他表示,马拉维一个村庄使用一种简单的去壳器,两个多月之内加工了30吨花生。

    He says a village in Malawi used a single sheller to thirty tons of peanuts over two months .