
  1. 装备动员体制是国防动员体制的重要组成部分。

    Equipment mobilization system is an indispensable part of national defense mobilization .

  2. 俄罗斯国防科技体制转型背景分析

    Study on the background of Russia 's national defense technology system 's transformation

  3. 国防工业体制改革对装备价格的影响与对策

    The Affects of Price of Arming Equipments in System Reforms in National Defense Industry and Its Resolutions

  4. 完善国防动员体制机制,注重民兵预备役部队质量建设。

    We will improve the system and mechanisms for national defense mobilization , focusing on raising the quality of the militia and reserve forces .

  5. 预备役军官绩效考评与激励对策研究完善国防动员体制,加强民兵和预备役部队建设,发展高技术条件下人民战争的战略战术。

    It is necessary to improve the mobilization system for national defense , strengthen the militia and reserves and develop strategies and tactics of the people 's war under high-tech conditions .

  6. 据此提出改革我国国防科研体制,提高国防科研能力和科研投资效率的建议和措施。

    Finally , this thesis proposes the suggestions and measures to reform our national defense scientific research system , and to improve the defense research ability as well as the efficiency of defense research investment .

  7. 而对这些影响,需要我们进一步分析其内在相互关系,找出装备价格变革与国防工业体制改革的差距和条件并制定出与之相适应的对策。

    Further analysis should be made to seek the internal interactive relationships of these influences to find the circumstances and gaps between price changes of arming equipment and system reforms of national defense industry , working out the corresponding resolutions .

  8. 国防资源配置体制的转轨:中国国防费增长的制度因素分析

    An analysis of the systematic factors of Chinese national defense expenditure

  9. 国防科技工业体制改革刍议

    System reform of the science , technology and industry for national defense

  10. 在绪论中,主要阐述了市场经济条件下国防工业管理体制的涵义、研究内容及研究目的。

    The introduction mainly discusses the meaning , content and purpose of national defence industry management sysytem .

  11. 在第二部分中,主要阐述市场经济条件下我国国防工业管理体制存在的主要问题。

    Part two mainly discusses the major problem existing in our country 's national defence industry management system .

  12. 英国国防部门的体制内人士称,他们仔细研究了三叉戟系统的所有替代方案,发现都存在不足之处。

    The British defence establishment claims that all the alternatives to Trident have been carefully examined and found wanting .

  13. 运用新制度主义经济学的制度成本理论,分析了我国国防科研投资体制的现状及存在的主要问题,并从减少国防科研投资的制度成本出发,提出了提高国防科研投资效率的对策性建议。

    The paper analyzes the status quo and problems of national defense scientific research investment system under the transaction cost theory , and gives some constructive advice to increase benefits by decreasing the transaction cost .

  14. 针对我国国防科研投资体制问题,提出了一些对策;为促进国防科研单位更好地降低成本,提高经济效益提供参考。

    And aiming at the problems of our national defense scientific research investment system , some countermeasures are brought forward , which help national defense scientific research units to reduce the cost and to improve economic benefit .

  15. 在我国,武器装备采办市场主体行为不规范、武器装备采办体制及国防科技工业体制不完善、武器装备采办的法律法规不健全等,影响着我国武器装备采办委托代理的有效运行。

    In China , there are still many principal-agent problems because of the irregularity of the buyers'and sellers'actions , the immaturity of the defense acquisition system and the defense industrial system as well as the unsoundness of laws .

  16. 解决这些问题,对我国社会主义市场经济下武器装备采办效率和效益的提高、武器装备采办体制和国防科技工业体制创新具有十分重要的意义。

    The successful resolving of these problems will contribute to the efficiency and benefit of the defense acquisition , to the innovation of the defense acquisition system and the defense industrial system in Chinese socialist market economy system .

  17. 英国国防科技信息管理体制和保障体系研究

    Research on British Defense Scientific and Technical Information Management and Guarantee System

  18. 改革国防科技工业管理体制,提升信息化武器装备水平;

    To reform the administration system of the scientific and technical industry for the national defense ;

  19. 推进国防科技工业科技体制改革,加强产、学、研有机结合,促进国防科技成果转化为现实生产力。

    The defense-related science , technology and industry stresses the reform of its sci-tech system , strengthens the organic integration of production , education and research , and transforms the defense-related science and technology into actual productivity .

  20. 一方面,借助两种技术的相互转移,促进武器装备技术的快速发展,建立寓军于民的国防科技工业新体制;另一方面,可以为国家经济建设服务。

    On the one hand , using two technologies mutual transfer , it can promote the development of weapons and equipment and establish the defense industry new system ; On the other hand , it can promote the economic development , and can service to national economic .

  21. 中国正进一步健全国防动员法规,完善国防动员体制,积极推动国防动员建设不断向现代化方向发展。

    China is further improving its defense mobilization laws and regulations , perfecting its defense mobilization system , and actively promoting modernization in this area .

  22. 中国根据宪法、国防法及其他有关法律,建立和完善国防体制。

    In accordance with the Constitution , the National Defense Law and other relevant laws , China has established and improved its national defense system .

  23. 要加强国防后备力量建设,发展国防科技工业,完善国防动员体制。

    We should strengthen the building of our national defense reserves , develop the science , technology and industry of national defense and improve the system of national defense mobilization .