
  • 网络kuni no miyatsuko
  1. 转变投资模式促进我国造纸业发展

    Changing Investment Model and Developing Paper Industry of China

  2. 你的表是哪国造的?

    Whose make is your watch ?

  3. 巴拿马运河第三套船闸及我国造修船设施的适应性

    Applicability of the Panama Canal 's third set of locks and China 's ship building & repairing facilities

  4. 进一步探讨了该技术在我国造纸业应用的潜在价值、应用思路及发展趋势。

    The potential value and predication of application and development of the technology in China paper industry are discussed .

  5. 本文论述了自汉代发明造纸术以来,我国造纸业的分布及其变迁。

    Papermaking technique was invented in the Han Dynasty (" Caihou Paper " was made in105 A.D. ) and originated in the Huanghe River basin .

  6. 研究了我国造纸业环境监管政策的现状,对于监管政策的类型、特点、效果进行了分析。

    This paper gives a research of the Chinese paper industry status , and analysis the types , characteristics , effects of environmental regulatory policy .

  7. 环境污染是我国造纸业面临的一个大问题,传统的含氯漂白废液中含有大量的有机氯化物,严重污染了水体。

    The problem of environment pollution for paper making would last for years . There were lots of organic chloride in the waste water of CEH bleaching , and the water system was badly polluted .

  8. 近年来,我国造纸业持续迅速发展,2008年以来,纸和纸板的生产量和消费量均已超过美国,位居世界第一位。

    In recent years , the paper-making industry has been developing rapidly in our country . From 2008 , production and consumption in China have overstepped those in America and ranked first in the world .

  9. 本文建立时间序列预测模型,对我国造纸业国际发展空间进行了预测,结果表明我国造纸业未来仍具有巨大的增长空间和增长潜力。

    The thesis constitutes a time serial prediction model to predict the international development space of our paper industry , the result shows increase space and potential of our paper industry will still be huge .

  10. 尽管本文对我国造纸业上市公司环境会计信息披露进行了一定研究,环境会计信息披露依然有待进一步研究,以促进我国环境会计信息披露理论和实践的发展。

    Although this paper listed company of our country to turn the environment accounting information disclosure of some research , environment accounting information disclosed still needs further research , in order to promote our country environment accounting information disclosure of the theory and practice of the development .

  11. 我国制浆造纸业的发展保持与GDP同步增长,但是制浆造纸机械制造业的发展却相对的滞后。

    The development of the pulping and papermaking industry in our country keeps pace with the increase of GDP . But the pulping and papermaking machinery manufacturing lags behind .

  12. 但是从当前来看,在我国的造纸业环境监管政策中,还有很多漏洞和不足。

    However , there are many loopholes and shortcomings in the environmental regulatory policy of Chinese paper industry .

  13. 本文根据热量平衡与水分平称衡的气候学方法估算了我国各种造别水稻田的蒸散量与灌溉量。

    In this paper , the evapotranspiration and supplementary water requirement of paddy fields for different cultivating periods in China are estimated from heat and water balance climatological methods .

  14. 综观我国制浆造纸业发展,借鉴欧美制浆造纸业的发展与环境保护经验,提出追求经济和环境综合效益是企业的长远目标。

    Pulp Paper Industry development is closely related to the environment issue according to the development trend in Europe and America . It is a long-term target for pulp paper industry of China to pursue comprehensive of environmental and economic benefits .

  15. 尽管作业成本法产生的时间很早,但是由于种种因素的限制,作业成本法在我国特别是造纸业没有得到广泛的应用。

    Due to various limitations , ABC has not been applied widely in China especially in Chinese paper making industry .

  16. 阐述了电子提花机装造的基本特点,并与我国传统装造进行了比较分析,指出它的优势所在。

    It describes the basic features about the structure of electronic jacquard , whose merits are pointed out in comparison with conventional one .

  17. 联合国国际住房、造房和规划文献所

    United Nations International Institute for Documentation on Housing , Building an

  18. 本文论述和分析了我国原条合理造材技术的发展和研究情况,归纳和探讨合理造材方法。

    The authors expound the development and research of reasonable bucking technologies of tree-length and discuss the ways of reasonable bucking .

  19. 据记载,我国历史上共造塔10000座左右,现仅存3000余座。

    By recordation , there are totol 10000 pagodas or so in the history , and now , only about 3000 pagodas are survival .

  20. 中国船舶重工集团公司是中国最大的造修船集团之一,拥有我国目前最大的造修船基地,集中了我国舰船研究、设计的主要力量。

    China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation , one of the largest ship-building corporations in China , has the largest ship-building base which has focused the main power to research and design warship .

  21. 介绍巴拿马运河第三套船闸扩建计划,新巴拿马型船舶,以及我国船厂目前的造修船设施情况。

    The article introduces the Panama Canal 's third set of locks project , the New Panamax Ship ( NPX ), and the ship building & repairing facilities of China 's ship yards .

  22. 选取国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数和显性比较优势指数对我国造纸品进行定量计算,结果表明我国造纸业整体竞争力虽然得到较大提升,但仍然偏弱。

    The thesis does quantitative calculation about paper products selecting International Market Share , Trade Competitiveness and Revealed Comparative Advantage . We can conclude although the international competitiveness of our paper industry has advanced greatly , it is still weak now .

  23. 加入WTO后,站在经济全球化的视野下,认真分析我国纸业的发展变化规律,研究了加入WTO对我国造纸业的影响。

    The paper has analyzed development law of paper industry in our country from the view of economic globalization after our country joins WTO and its influence on our country paper industry to join WTO .