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zhī xiàn
  • (in Ming and Qing Dynasty) county magistrate;magistrate of a county
知县 [zhī xiàn]
  • (1) [(in Ming and Qing Dynasty) county magistrate] 明朝以来县一级最高行政长官的正式称呼

  • 淳安知县。——《明史》

  • (2) 又

  • 知县霍与瑕。

知县[zhī xiàn]
  1. 曾任登封县知县。崇祯中历台州知府,解职归。

    He had been the magistrate of Dengfeng County in Henan Province .

  2. 他曾经作过山东滕州知县。

    He served as a county magistrate in the Teng County of Shandong Province .

  3. 位于日本中部的爱知县近日表示,该县正在招募全职忍者,希望借此推动旅游业发展。

    Central Japan 's Aichi prefecture said it is hiring full-time ninjas to promote tourism .

  4. 任何年满18岁以上的人都可以申请成为爱知县的忍者,简历投递时间截止至3月22日。

    Anyone over 18 can apply to be a ninja in Aichi , and applications close on 22 March .

  5. 据《北京青年报》报道,张秋实还表示,知县的官帽也与历史不符。

    Meanwhile she said that the two wings of the official headgear were also inconsistent with history , reported Beijing Youth Daily .

  6. 他跟着做知县的父亲走过了不少高山大水,看见了好些不寻常的景物。

    As a boy , he had travelled a great deal with his county prefect father , and had seen many odd things .

  7. 内容提要本文引用的主要资料是同治、光绪年间曾任南海知县的杜凤治的日记。

    The main data used in this article are the diaries of Du Fengzhi , who was magistrate of Nanhai county during the Tongzhi and Guangxu periods .

  8. 所以,求雨受到了历代朝廷的重视,从皇帝到知县,每遇天旱,都要设坛祭祀。

    So , by the court for rain attention , from the emperor to the magistrate , every encounter drought , must set up the altar of sacrifice .

  9. 近日,北京市一名小学生发现语文课本上一幅配图当中的知县官服颜色存在历史性错误,随后她就致信人民教育出版社寻求答案。

    A Beijing primary school student recently wrote to the People 's Education Press ( PEP ) for answers after she found the color of a magistrate 's official habit illustrated in a Chinese textbook was historically inaccurate .

  10. 这个名叫张秋实的女孩在课堂上指出,宋朝(960-1279)知县的官服应该是青绿色的,而不是教科书上的紫色。

    The girl , Zhang Qiushi , pointed out in class that the color of magistrates ' official habits during the Song Dynasty ( 960-1279 ) were turquoise , and not purple as shown in the text book .