
zhī shí shè huì
  • knowledge society
  1. 知识社会的本质特征、生成环境与创建途径

    The Knowledge society essence characteristic Growing environment and creating way

  2. 知识社会城市土地管理的探讨

    Probing on the management of city land in knowledge society

  3. 曼海姆的知识社会学对科学知识社会学(SSK)具有重大影响;科学知识社会学的一些重要观点都可以看到曼海姆理论的影子。

    Greatly influenced by Karl Mannheim 's theory of Sociology of Knowledge , some important points of the science and sociology of knowledge SSK have some resemblance to Mannheim 's theory .

  4. 在库恩的基础上,科学知识社会学(SSK)将社会、经济、政治和文化维度作为决定因素带入对科学的理解中来,从而在科学合理性问题上迈出了更为激进的步伐。

    On the groundwork of Kuhn , the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge ( SSK ) brings dimensions of society , economy , politics and culture into the understanding of science as the determining elements , accordingly marches on more radically the problem of rationality of science .

  5. 从话语分析到反思性&科学知识社会学发展的一个新趋向

    From Discourse Analysis to Reflexivity & A New Trend in SSK

  6. 文学理论30年&一个知识社会学的考察

    Thirty Years of Literary Theory & An Investigation of Knowledge Sociology

  7. 知识社会的城市生态系统复杂性探讨

    Discussion on the Complexity of City Ecosystem in Knowledge-based Society

  8. 科学知识社会学相对主义知识观批判

    A Critique of the Relativist View of Knowledge in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  9. 人类社会正向知识社会迈进。

    Human society forge toward to the knowledge society .

  10. 科学知识社会学实验室研究述评

    Survey and Comment of laboratory Study Windows of Knowledge

  11. 知识社会的高等教育功能观

    Some Opinions on Higher Education Function in Knowledge Society

  12. 21世纪世界将进入知识社会时代。

    The 21st century is an era of knowledge .

  13. 库恩哲学与科学知识社会学

    Kuhn 's Philosophy and Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  14. 论知识社会的按知分配

    On Distribution According to Knowledge in Knowledge Society

  15. 从布鲁尔到拉图尔所体现出的科学知识社会学的人类学转向,具有重要意义。

    The anthropological turn from David Bloor to Bronu Latour has its great significance .

  16. 论出版经济在知识社会的动力地位

    Motive Status of Publication Economy in Knowledge Society

  17. 论中国哲学学科存在的合法性危机&关于中国哲学学科的知识社会学考察

    On Discipline On Philosophy On the Crisis of Legitimacy of the Discipline of Chinese Philosophy

  18. 简论知识社会与管理理念的更新

    Renovation of Administration Idea and Knowledge Society

  19. 知识社会信息共享

    Knowledge - based Society and Information Share

  20. 同时,笔者还将讨论在知识社会中大学需要承担什么样的新角色?

    Author will further discuss the new role of the universities in the Knowledge society .

  21. 知识社会或休闲社会?

    Knowledge society or leisure society ?

  22. 社会政策研究中文化视角兴起的知识社会学分析

    A Cultural Approach to the Social Policy Research from the Perspective of the Sociology of Knowledge

  23. 不断创新是知识社会中科技人才的最基本标志。

    This society is characterized by frequent innovation and creation accomplished by scientific and technological personnel .

  24. 知识社会与思维更新

    Knowledge Society and Thinking Transformation

  25. 知识社会与人格转型

    Knowledge Society and Personality Transformation

  26. 面向知识社会的人才

    Talents in Knowledge based Society

  27. 二○○○:期待旷世经典&一个知识社会学思路

    2000 : A Hope on the Unrivalled Classics & The Thinking Based on the Sociology of Knowledge

  28. 在知识社会的背景中,学位制度也将经历一场前所未有的革新。

    Degree system will also be experiencing an unprecedented innovation in the background of the knowledge society .

  29. 以知识社会学的视角,总结了我国体育法学的发展成就与问题。

    In view of Knowledge Sociology , summarizes the achievements and problems of Sports Law in China .

  30. 科学知识社会学将会走向何方?本文最后用协调论作为解决方法,为科学知识社会学找到一条可能的出路。

    At last , the tendency and outlet of sociology of scientific knowledge is pointed out in this paper .