
  • 网络knowledge factor
  1. 知识因素主要是从学生的原有认知结构和感性材料、感性经验的角度来谈的。

    Knowledge Factor is concerned with the structure of intrinsic congnition , the material and the experience of sensitivity .

  2. 新世纪高校体育教师的成长因素主要体现在知识因素、智能因素和非智能因素三方面。

    The growing factors of physical teacher in new century mainly reflect knowledge factor , intellectual ability factor and non-intellectual factor .

  3. 这些因素大致上被分为心理因素、索引性知识因素及伦理因素。

    These factors are generally divided into psychological factors , the index of knowledge and ethical factors .

  4. 分析影响核心竞争力形成的因素是:知识因素、实践因素、心理因素、环境因素、方法因素。

    The factors which effect on the core competence include knowledge , practice , psychology , environment and method .

  5. 影响初中数学中的数学思想与方法的形成因素有知识因素、思维因素、心理因素等。

    The cause of affecting formation of junior high school mathematics method of thinking include with knowledge factor , thought factor , mentality factor etc. .

  6. 目前,学生的听力水平偏低,究其原因是心理因素与知识因素的影响。

    At present , students ' hearing level is on the low side , it is the influence of psychological factor and knowledge factor to trace it to its cause .

  7. 影响数学概念学习的因素有很多,本文主要从知识因素、思维因素、干扰因素和心理因素四个方面进行了分析。

    There are many factors to affect the conception of mathematics , this article makes an analysis according to the four factors : Knowledge , Thinking , Disturbing and Psychology Factor .

  8. 从师德这一教师工作的精髓出发,论述了教师应具备的品格因素、才能因素、知识因素和情感因素等人格魅力,这对提高教育教学质量有重要的意义。

    The factors of the character , ability , knowledge and emotion that teacher must have were discussed for teaching ethics . This is of significance to improve education and teaching .

  9. 心智模式对员工心理气氛、行为的直接影响以及对心理气氛与行为之间的关系的调节作用都比较稳定,其中同伴与工作知识因素的影响尤其明显;

    Job satisfaction ( JS ) and mental models both had much moderating effect to the relationship of climate-behavior , and the latter had more direct influence to behaviors than the former .

  10. 因此,知识因素在中间性组织中更加受到重视,将其纳入对中间性组织的分析可以弥补交易费用理论的不足。

    The factor of knowledge will be put more attention , so the author bring it into the analysis of inter-form and that can make up for the shortcomings of transaction fees theories .

  11. 知识因素对企业间研发合作组织模式的选择起着重要作用,恰当的组织安排可以降低研发合作的交易成本,减小交易中的道德风险并遏制机会主义行为。

    Knowledge is an important factor for the use of different organizational modes of inter-firm R & D cooperation , which can be used to overcome the opportunism and moral hazard in the transaction .

  12. 在现代经济的发展中,知识因素是促进经济发展的主导性因素,也是形成各国和各地区经济增长差异的最重要因素。

    In modern economic development , knowledge is a main element to promote economic development , and it is also an important element to produce difference of econom ic growth among various regions and countries .

  13. 作者认为,反思能力是指教师顺利进行反思活动的必备条件,它是由动力因素、知识因素、技能因素和调控因素四个成分构成。

    Here such ability is regarded as the necessary condition under which teachers can reflect and it is composed of the dynamic factor , the knowledge factor , the skill factor and the administrative factor .

  14. 本论文由中间性组织的相关文献,分析相关理论对中间性组织的理论研究和管理实践的贡献及不足,进而研究将知识因素纳入中间性组织治理研究的必要性。

    Based on former theory analysis of inter-form , the dissertation will research the contributions and shortcomings of them , and further research the necessity of bringing the factor of knowledge into the analysis of inter-form governance .

  15. 通过对传统中药产业的知识因素进行系统分析,发现传统中药知识产权保护滞后及与新兴科学的结合程度将会制约产业的发展。

    Based on the analyzing of knowledge factors of TCM industry , finding out that the stasis of intellectual property protection of TCM and the emerging degree with modern scientific knowledge will restrict the development of TCM industry .

  16. 戏剧性的评论重点论述不可靠的人物评论在书中的表现,主要从知识因素、价值因素、情感因素,来分析故事中戏剧性评论究竟可靠与否。

    Dramatic review focuses on the performance of non-reliable figures in the book , it mainly from knowledge factors , value factors , emotional factors , to analyze the story in dramatic comment whether it is reliable or not .

  17. 构成管理者人格魅力的因素包括品格因素、知识因素、能力因素、情感因素和性格因素,管理者人格魅力具有强烈的示范作用,是管理者素质的重要内容,并同管理效益紧密相关。

    Managers ' personality , one of the important elements of managers ' quality , mainly comes from one 's belief , ability , emotions , knowledge and other factors and has great impact on the efficiency of his management .

  18. 青年信仰危机在本质上是精神需要与实践发展之间的矛盾,由社会、家庭和学校因素宏观促成,青年心理因素、知识因素和实践因素微观引发。

    Youth belief crisis is essentially the contradiction between the need for faith and practice of the defect , is facilitated by macro factors of the society , families and schools , is triggered by micro factors of youth psychological , knowledge and practical .

  19. 从学生思维因素、学生个人因素、学生知识因素,以及学生技能和能力因素对初中学生物理过程中产生思维障碍的原因进行了分析,阐明了排除学生思维障碍,培养健康的物理思维的重要性。

    By examining students elements of thinking N knowledge , individual difference , skills and ability , this article analyses the cause of students ' thinking barriers in their learning process of physics , and expounds the importance of arranging their thinking barriers and training their healthy physics thinking .

  20. 多因素Logistic回归分析发现,年龄、受教育水平、职业、是否获得过妇女健康知识等因素对经期卫生有影响。

    Much factors logistic back analysis show that age , educational level , occupation , if has woman health knowledge or not affect sanitary health .

  21. 影响原发性高血压病人疾病知识的因素分析

    A survey of factors influencing on knowledge of primary hypertension patients

  22. 影响家庭主妇掌握碘缺乏病防治知识的因素分析

    Analysis on influencing factors of health education toward iodine deficiency disorders among housewives

  23. 语言知识语境因素是它的语用条件之一。

    It is a pragmatic strategy in communication under such pragmatic conditions as linguistic contexts .

  24. 不同概念联系的表征受诸如年龄、语言和背景知识等因素的影响。

    The representations of different category relations could be influenced by such factors as age , language , and background knowledge .

  25. 而影响经济发展的诸多因素中,知识资本因素的作用越来越重要。

    Intellectual capital , as one of important factors which effect the economic development , its effect is more and more obvious .

  26. 物联网产业集群成长主要受市场、区域资源禀赋、产业环境、政府规制、特定性知识等因素的影响。

    The development of the Internet of Things industrial cluster largely due to markets , regional resources endowment ; industry environment , policies and regulations , special knowledge .

  27. 旅游管理部门人员观念和知识水平因素也制约了参与的广度和深度,主体间利益不协调更是深层次的原因。

    Tourism management staff attitudes and knowledge of factors that restricted the participation of the breadth and depth of interests among the co-ordination is the main underlying reason .

  28. 多因素分析结果表明,性别、受教育程度、是否患慢性疾病、是否了解伤害知识等因素是影响伤害发生率的显著因素。

    The multi-factors analysis indicate that sex , education , had chronic disease or not and had injury knowledge or not was significant factors to affect injury incidence rate .

  29. 说话者的会话含义在特定场合和情况下是确定的,并且他们希望交谈者能够领会这种字面以外的含义。但是因为语境,交谈双方的理念,背景知识等因素,会话含义不一定能够被理解。

    Overall , the conversational implicature is definite in a specific context . However , because of the differences of philosophy and background knowledge , the implicature can not always be understood .

  30. 本文通过建立过渡期中美关系的模式和模型,直观地分析和论证知识产权因素对过渡期中美关系的作用。

    Due to the establishment of the model and pattern for the transitional Sino-American relationship , the effect of intellectual property factor upon the Sino-American relationship is directly perceived in the thesis .