
fēi shēnɡ chǎn láo dònɡ
  • nonproductive labor
  1. 关于生产劳动和非生产劳动问题

    On the Issue of Productive Labor and Non-productive Labor

  2. 关于生产劳动与非生产劳动的新认识

    New Recognition of Production and Non-production Labor

  3. 非生产劳动的向度

    On the Vector of Non-productive Labor

  4. 二是劳动和价值的创造问题,即生产劳动与非生产劳动的区分标准问题;

    Second , creation of labour and value & the standard by which the productive-labour and unproductive-labour are distinguished ;

  5. 马克思从人的本质出发,对文化的理解是基于实践的,其精神生产理论,生产劳动与非生产劳动相区分的理论中隐含着对文化产业的前瞻。

    The spiritual production theory and the distinction between productive labor and unproductive labor implied the theory of cultural industry .

  6. 建国50多年来,经济学界关于劳动价值理论的讨论主要围绕五个方面展开:一、如何界定生产劳动与非生产劳动;

    In this article , major questions that have been discussed about the Theory of Labor value since fifty years will be divided into five aspects ;

  7. 通过对目前理论界两种完全不同的理论辨析,认为服务业劳动并不都是生产劳动,但非生产劳动也可以创造价值。

    Through the analysis of two different ideas at present , a conclusion is made that not all service trades are productive labour , but non productive labour can also create values .

  8. 根据马克思在《资本论》各卷中的论述,认为只有那些既能为社会生产物质财富,又能为社会生产剩余价值的劳动才是生产劳动,否则就是非生产劳动。

    Marx thought only the labor which could produce material wealth and surplus value for the society can be regarded as productive labor , or it would be considered as non-productive labor based on the exposition in Capital .

  9. 社会产业的演变和知识经济的发展为现代教育产业的形成奠定了历史和现实基础.生产劳动与非生产劳动理论以及人力资本理论奠定了其理论基础。

    The evolvement of social industry and the development of knowledge-based economy lay a historical and actual foundation for the formation of modem educational industry in which theory of production labor , non - production labor and manpower capital make up its base .

  10. 第三章论非生产性劳动第三部分知识产权执法


  11. 我们应该随着社会的发展,时代的进步,不断地修订和完善对生产性劳动与非生产性劳动的认识。

    We should unceasingly revise and perfect the recognition of productive and non-productive labor .

  12. 但是,虽然社会不能靠非生产性劳动变富,个人却能靠非生产性劳动变富。

    But though society grows no richer by unproductive labour , the individual may .

  13. 对生产性劳动与非生产性劳动的重新认识

    Re-recognition of Productive and Non-Productive Labors

  14. 论价值的非生产性劳动来源

    On the Non-productive Sources of Value

  15. 非生产性劳动可能和生产性劳动一样有用,或者从持久利益的观点来看,甚至更为有用;

    Unproductive may be as useful as productive labour ; it may be more useful , even in point of permanent advantage ;

  16. 脑力劳动在价值创造中占据了主导地位,生产性劳动和非生产性劳动逐步融合,精神生产的劳动广泛发展。

    Mental labor plays a dominant role in value creation , productive labor and nonproductive labor come to fuse and labor in production of food for thought grows .

  17. 对传统政治经济学关于劳动价值论思想的扩展应从三方面入手:一是将创造价值的劳动形式从物质生产劳动适度扩展到非物质生产劳动;

    The theory of labor value in the traditional political economics should be extended from three aspects : First , the labor form that produces value can be moderately extended from material production labor into non-material production labor .

  18. 同时要认真研究我国现行分配制度与劳动价值论的关系,生产性劳动和非生产性劳动的划分以及劳动价值论和知识创新的关系等,从而用发展着的理论,指导我们进行制度创新。

    In the meantime , we should carefully study its correlation with our country 's current distribution system as well as with knowledge innovation , and the distinction between productive labor and non-productive labor so as to utilize the developing theory to instruct us to perform system innovation .

  19. 本文仅就关于创造价值的社会劳动的解释以及非物质生产的劳动也是创造价值的社会劳动的问题,提出质疑。

    This paper only querys on the explanation of social labour producing value and the labour of non material production also being the social labour of producing value .

  20. 在将企业知识劳动区分为生产性与非生产性知识劳动的基础上分析了知识劳动对企业利润的影响。

    On the basis of dividing the knowledge labour of enterprises into productive one and nonproductive one , the article analyses the influence of knowledge labour upon the profits of enterprises .