
  • 网络informal constraint;Informal Constrains
  1. 论转型期中国市场经济发展中的非正式约束

    A Research on Informal Constraints in the Transitional Stage of Chinese Market Economy China News

  2. 要是正式规则和非正式约束不一致,那它所导致的紧张关系就会引到政治上的不稳定。

    If the formal rules and informal constraints are inconsistent with each other the resulting tension is going to induce political instability .

  3. 二是实施非正式约束制度创新;

    Second , implement the system innovation of unofficial restraint ;

  4. 文化、传统与经济制度变迁&非正式约束理论与俄罗斯实例检验

    Culture , Tradition and the Transformation of Economic Institution

  5. 非正式约束下的金融制度变迁

    The Change of Financial System under Informal Restriction

  6. 健全农村集市的管理制度,弥补非正式约束的不足。

    Perfecting the rural market 's control system to make up the restraint of informal institution .

  7. 商事制度的演化受到文化的直接的非正式约束和间接的强制性约束。

    The change of commercial systems is subject to both direct informal and indirect compulsory restraints of culture .

  8. 政府信用制度由正式约束、非正式约束和实施机制三方面组成。

    Credit system of the government could be divided in to formal regulation , informal regulation and implementation mechanism .

  9. 而要提高联合投资中的决策效率,控制权的设计和非正式约束非常重要。

    To improve the decision efficiency in syndication , the design of control right and informal restraint are very important .

  10. 制度是规则的集合,是一系列正式约束和非正式约束组成的规则网络。

    Institution is the regulation aggregation , is a series of the regulation network that are composed of formal constraint and informal constraint .

  11. 但是,从西方各国经验及制度经济学的一般理论分析,单纯的非正式约束并不足以保证收购市场的有序化。

    But mere moral restriction can 't guarantee the order of the market behavior , according to the western experiences and institutional economics theory .

  12. 后发展区域制度移植变迁后发优势的发挥要以被移植的正式规则与本土的非正式约束相兼容为前提条件。

    The precondition of the late-developing advantage of institution transplant can be brought to full play is the compatibility between institution transplant and informal restraints .

  13. 从非正式约束角度来分析,在集体文化形态中的集体惩戒机制下,股东与经理之间信任与忠诚的关系是一个重要因素。

    Judging from its informal obligations , the confidence and loyalty between business owners and the management are the most important factors supported with collective penalty mechanism .

  14. 尽管正式规则能突然改变,而非正式约束却远不受变化的干扰,并能强有力的延缓突然的变化。

    While the formal rules can be changed overnight , the informal constraints are much more impervious to change and impose a powerful drag on abrupt change .

  15. 土地法律制度的构成要素正式约束、非正式约束和实施机制都能影响其经济功能的实现,这些要素也正是土地法律制度改革和完善的主要内容。

    As chief elements of land legal system , formal and informal constraints and administration institution can affect land legal system 's economic function and hence become the targets for land legal system reform .

  16. 制度并非是静态的,而是人们通过互动建构起来的,是在作为非正式约束的观念互动和作为推动机制的规范的互动进程中逐渐积累而积淀下来且不断完善的一种动态过程。

    Institution is not static , but construct through the interplay . It is gradually accumulated and consummated in the interactive process of ideational interplay as unofficial constrained system and normative interplay as promoting mechanism .

  17. 从非正式约束来看,既要在寿险业加强诚信教育,也要在全社会强调诚信教育,在全社会建立起守信光荣,失信可耻的观念。

    As for the informal constraints , it is necessary to advocate credit among LI industries as well as to establish the concept of ' keep faith being honorable , breaking faith being blameful ' .

  18. 因此,西部高校应尽快转变人才观念,增强人力资本意识,进行非正式约束创新、正式约束强化和实施机制的完善。

    Therefore , Colleges & Universities in Western Regions should renew drastically the views of persons with talent , strengthen the consciousness of manpower capital , innovate the informal restrictions , consolidate the formal restrictions and perfect the carrying systems .

  19. 检验结果显示,就制度安排总体而言,美国和日本的高技术产品出口对进口国制度安排的敏感性要高于中国、韩国和巴西,五个国家对进口国非正式约束制度安排的敏感性均较强;

    The result reveals that , hi-tech products export of USA and Japan are more sensitive to the institutional arrangement of import countries than China , South Korea and Brazil , while the five countries are more sensitive to the informal institutional arrangement of import countries .

  20. 当两个以上用水户的用水级别与用水目的均相同,并且均适用时间优先、地域优先等非正式约束时,那么适用先占用原则优于地域优先原则;

    When the grade and purpose of water use are the same for more than two water users , and also are suit to the informal restriction of order of priority in time and region , it can apply the principle of first come first serve and ;

  21. 我国私营企业发展的非正式制度约束

    On Informal System Restraint and Its Pattern in Development of POEs in Our Country

  22. 影响其发展完善的关键在于非正式制度约束、正式制度约束、筹资困境等瓶颈问题。

    There are many problems , but the effect lies in its well-developed system of informal constraints , formal institutional constraints , funding difficulties and other bottlenecks .

  23. 在突破非正式制度约束的基础上,本章接着从价值和具体规范上对银政关系经济法制度进行了重塑。

    Based on breaking through the constraints of informal institutions , this chapter reconstructs the values and specific rules of the legal system which regulates the relations between banks and government .

  24. 非正式制度约束对农村经济组织的影响合作金融具备信息收集、产权与非正式制度约束等优势,符合成本最小化和风险控制原则。

    The cooperative finance in the countryside is superior in collecting information , right of property and informal institutional binding force , which makes it a choice system by the risk control principle .

  25. 管理者对社员的监督通过正式制度与非正式制度的约束共同完成。

    The supervision of managers to members is realized via both formal and informal system of constraints .

  26. 在我国特殊的国情背景下进行这种制度移植,还会面临许多来自正式制度与非正式制度的约束。这决定了我们在引入绩效预算制度中必须走一条渐进之路。

    The transplant of the institution is still arduous , we should seek a proper way to gradually introduce the frame of performance budget .

  27. 由于非正式制度的约束和合作社提供的服务和产品的外溢性较小,合作社的排他成本普遍较低,能够实施有效率的定价和排他方式。

    Because of the informal system of constraints and small spillover of the services and goods supplied by cooperative , the exclusive cost of cooperatives is generally low , thus the cooperative can implement efficient pricing and exclusive way .

  28. 经济法作为正式制度的改变自然会受到非正式制度的牵绊,于是寻求对非正式制度约束的边际突破自当是首要考虑的。

    Informal institutions may be obstacles , so to search for the marginal breakthrough in the restriction of informal institutions should be the first thing to do .