
fēi duì kàng xìng
  • Non adversarial;nonantagonistic
非对抗性[fēi duì kàng xìng]
  1. 这不仅是因为中国传统的儒家和为贵的精神与ADR非对抗性特征的相耦合,而且是缓解司法危机,建设和谐社会以及奠定当事人主义的需要。

    It is not only due to the coupling between the traditional spirits of Confucian in Chinese society and the characteristic of nonantagonistic of ADR , but due to the requirements of dispelling judicial crisis , building a harmonious society and establishing the theory of ' party-domination .

  2. 基于范例推理的后勤非对抗性仿真作业系统研究

    Research on Schoolwork System of Logistics Nonantagonistic Simulation Based on Case-Based Reasoning

  3. 列宁正确论述了人民内部矛盾的非对抗性;

    Lenin expounded exactly the non-antagonism of the contradictions among the people .

  4. 警察在非对抗性执法活动中的心理研究

    Study on Police 's Psychology in Non-opposed Law Enforcement Activity

  5. 我们在谈的是一个非对抗性的人。

    We 're talking about someone who 's non-confrontational .

  6. 在这种大背景下必然要求区域内的城市更多的合作而非对抗性的竞争。

    It required more cooperation but not nonantagonistic competition between cities in the region .

  7. 教师培训中的非对抗性冲突及其原因

    Nonantagonistic Conflicts and Reasons in Teacher Training

  8. 这都是非对抗性的矛盾。

    These contradictions are all non-antagonistic .

  9. 这一非对抗性方针带来的是新闻媒体报道越来越少。

    This less confrontational approach , however , also makes less news for the media to cover .

  10. 正义伴随社会矛盾产生,是非对抗性社会矛盾发展的稳定状态。

    Justice , with the social contradictions , is the steady state non antagonistic contradictions of social development .

  11. 利益冲突有两种基本形式:一是对抗性的,一是非对抗性的。

    The benefit conflict has two kind of fundamental modes : One is antagonism , a right and wrong antagonism .

  12. 新的社会阶层与其他社会阶层之间的矛盾是人民内部的、非对抗性的矛盾。

    The contradictions between the Emerging Social Strata and other strata are just the no antagonistic ones among the people .

  13. 在一个团队中,要取得良好的效果,不应采取对抗性博弈,而应制造非对抗性博弈,在竞争合作中寻找到辩证的结合点。

    To achieve a benign outcome in a team , withstanding game should not be adopted to seek dialectical conjunction in competing corporation .

  14. 这场冲突的实质既非阶级斗争,亦非对抗性的原则分歧,而在很大程度上是两个政治派别间的权势之争。

    The struggle was not class struggle , nor a conflict of different principles , but a power struggle of two political groups .

  15. newlywed:新婚的。3.这个农夫很真诚地尽力以友好的态度对待他的新任岳母,希望建立起友好的,而非对抗性的关系。genuinely:真诚地,真心地;antagonistic:对抗(性)的,敌对(性)的。

    The farmer had genuinely tried to be friendly to his new mother-in-law , hoping that it could be a friendly , non-antagonistic relationship .

  16. 在当代国企变革的生产政治过程中,普通工人与一般管理者之间存在着局部范围内的非对抗性冲突。

    In the process of production politics of the contemporary State-owed Enterprises during changing , there is non-antagonistic partly and limit conflicts between general labors and managers .

  17. 在本章后面部分,我们将说明人类所面临的严重问题,以此激励与自然和谐而非对抗性的建筑创作。

    Later in this chapter , we will describe the serious problems facing humanity , and seek to encourage the creation of buildings which harmonize with nature rather than fight it .

  18. 紧接着在第二章中,笔者指出生态环境本身具备的全球性、渗透性、非对抗性、非排他性和外部性的特性决定了全球环境治理是由多元治理主体共同参与的合作型博弈。

    In the chapter two , the author points out that the global , permeability , non-contest , non-exclusive and externalities ' nature of ecological environment , which determine GEG is a cooperative Game .

  19. 在阐述现阶段社会阶层构成新变化的基础上,概括其特点、原因,强调其具有动态性、现代性、多层次性、非对抗性等特点;

    On the basis of explaining the new change of social stratum composition of the present stage , the paper summarizes its characteristic and reason , emphasizes its characteristic of dynamics , modernity , multi-level , non-antagonistic etc.

  20. 随着日本企业成功的供应商管理经验及其强大的管理绩效,供应商联盟作为企业与供应商的最佳互动方式和非对抗性的利益结合点,引起了实业界和学术界的广泛关注。

    With the successful supplier management experience and strong management performance of Japanese companies , supplier alliances , as the best interactive means between enterprise and supplier and non-confrontational combinative points of interest , have attracted wide attentions from the industry to academia .

  21. 非直接对抗性项目竞赛日程编排方法的研究

    On Studies about the Arrangement Method of Competition Schedule

  22. 用于非直接对抗性体育比赛的编排算法

    A scheduling algorithm for tournaments in the non-contact Sports

  23. 很高兴能将非身体对抗性的比赛,比如字谜等囊括在内。

    It 's nice to include non-physical competitions too , such as word puzzles .

  24. 长期以来,非直接对抗性体育比赛,大都是采用分项抽签来决定比赛顺序,这一方法只能是抽签的机会均等,而抽出的结果并不均等。

    Over the years the match-ups for a tournament in a non-contact sport have been mostly determined by the method of draw which provides equal chances only in the way the lots are drawn but not in the actual results obtained from it .

  25. 北京方面更喜欢谈论整体和谐以及非对抗、非政治性扩张经济空间。

    Beijing prefers to speak about overall harmony and non-confrontational and non-political expansion of an economic space .