
  1. 加强企业法制建设推进依法治企进程

    Tightening up legal System and Running Enterprise According to Law

  2. 强化依法治企工作,培育企业良性经营环境

    Strengthening Work of Managing Enterprises according to Law , Cultivating Good Management Environment

  3. 依法治企是规范企业管理的有效途径

    Governing the Enterprise Based on the Laws Is an Effective Way to Regulate the Management

  4. 关于依法治企的思考

    Thoughts of Governing Enterprises by Law

  5. 企业经营管理中依法治企的思考

    Reflection on enterprise management under law

  6. 因此企业要本着依法治企、预防为主、以人为本的原则进行法律风险防范。

    Enterprises should therefore stand in the rule of law , prevention-oriented , people-oriented principle to guard against legal risks .

  7. 按照依法治企、科学管理的思路,规范公司的法人治理结构,降低体制成本;

    Administering the enterprise on the basis of laws and manage scientifically to normalize the legal person improvement and rectification structure and to reduce the system costs .

  8. 本文以真实企业为案例,试图探讨并寻求企业法治文化建设的有效途径和措施,以解决依法治企的自觉性和有效性。

    In this paper , the author attempts to use the real business as cases to explore and seek the effective way and measures of corporate legal culture .

  9. 依法治企是现代企业制度的核心和发展的关键,企业法律顾问制度应成为现代企业制度的有机组成部分。

    For this reason , we must develop the function of the enterprise legal consultant so that the system of the enterprise legal consultant becomes an organic part of our modern enterprise systems .

  10. 依法治企是建立现代企业制度的重要内容,如何充分地发挥国有企业法律顾问的职能和作用,是构建现代企业制度的重要组成部分。

    Enterprises by law is the core of the modern enterprise system and the key to development , play and the role of state-owned enterprises legal adviser , is an integral part of modern enterprise system .

  11. 构建社会主义文明和谐企业,作为推进社会主义和谐社会建设的基础性工程,必须坚持以科学发展观为指导、以人为本、公平公正、激发活力、依法治企、协调关系与化解矛盾等原则。

    Constructing socialism civilization harmonious enterprise as basic project of pushing socialism harmonious construction must stick to such principles as the scientific concept of development , people first , equity and justice , inspiring energy and so on .

  12. 国有企业从自身经营和发展出发,必须要切实树立依法治企的信念,高度重视企业内的法律工作,加强企业法律建设,促进企业依法经营管理。

    At the same time , state enterprises should think great much of legal work in the enterprises , and strengthen the corporation 's building of law culture , in order to promote managing and administering according to law .

  13. 分析了电力企业法制建设中存在的问题,从不同的角度论述了依法治企在电力企业发展中作用。

    This paper analyzes the problems existing in the construction of the legal system of the electronic power enterprise , and discusses on the functions of the management of the enterprise in conformity with the legal provisions of the electronic power enterprise from different angles .