
  • 网络yilan county
  1. 依兰县林业局森林资源特点及经营措施

    Forest Resource Characteristics And Management Measure In The Forest Bureau Of Yilan County

  2. 三姓,古地名,今黑龙江省依兰县。

    Sanxing , the ancient place name , is Yilan County of Heilongjiang Province today .

  3. 依兰县绿色食品发展现状与对策初探

    Preliminary Investigation on the Present Development Conditions and Measures of Green Food in the Country of YiLan

  4. 本文是1986年57月和1987年57月在黑龙江省依兰县先锋林场对山地次生阔叶林鸟类观察整理而成的。

    From May to July in 1986 , 1987 , we studied secondary forest bird community in Yilan of Heilongjiang Province .

  5. 在国有报纸《环球时报》的一篇报道中,依兰县的教师举着一个横幅,上面写着:依兰4000教师维权。

    A report by Global Times , a state-run newspaper , said teachers in Yilan County held up a banner that said : We are 4,000 Yilan teachers .

  6. 考古学者曾在黑龙江省依兰县第三纪的地层中发现莲叶化石。

    The archaeological scholar once had found the lotus leaf fossils in tertiary period stratum in Yilan County of Heilongjiang Province ( middle reach of Songhua River ) .

  7. 本文依据1987年5月至7月在黑龙江省依兰县对山地次生林鸟类取食行为的观察,对此林型中树栖食虫鸟类的集团结构进行了研究。

    The guild structure of arboreal insectivorous birds of montane second forest was studied during May to July 1987 in Yi Lan County , Hei Lung & Jiang province .

  8. 本文以依兰县先锋林场试验示范区的森林调查材料为基础,按照三种生态演替系列,即旱生、中生、湿生系列,对每一系列主要群落的树种生长进行分析。

    According to the forest survey information of test area in Xianfeng Forest Farm , Yilan County , the main trees growth of xerosere , mesosere and hydrosere were analysed .

  9. 在国有报纸《环球时报》的一篇报道中,依兰县的教师举着一个横幅,上面写着:“依兰4000教师维权。返还克扣工薪!”

    A report by Global Times , a state-run newspaper , said teachers in Yilan County held up a banner that said : " We are 4000 Yilan teachers . Return my withheld money ! "

  10. 依兰县教师在网上发布的一封公开信中称,有二十年教龄的老教师每月工资才2000多元,新教师的工资更可怜,还不到1000元。

    Teachers from Yilan have posted an open letter online that says veteran educators who have worked two decades make just over $ 320 per month and new teachers make $ 160 & even more pathetic , according to the letter .

  11. 依兰县教师在网上发布的一封公开信中称,有二十年教龄的老教师每月工资才2000多元,新教师的工资“更可怜”,还不到1000元。

    Teachers from Yilan have posted an open letter online that says veteran educators who have worked two decades make just over $ 320 per month and new teachers make $ 160 - " even more pathetic , " according to the letter .