
jī huì fàn zuì
  • occasional crime;opportunity crime
  1. 弥撒后,玛塞拉称汤已受净化,在他死前再没机会犯罪。

    After the mass , Marcella declared that Tom was purified and would have no opportunity to sin again before he would die .

  2. 由于城市地区的人口过剩和缺少就业机会,犯罪率现在是我们面临的一大难题;

    Owing to the overpopulation in urban areas and the lack of employment opportunity , the crime rate is a huge problem we are faced with .

  3. 相对来说,那些犯人很少有机会再走上犯罪道路。

    With relatively little chance , those inmates will return to a life of crime .

  4. 他们指责说,这样的法律只会鼓励更多的外籍劳工来到韩国,抢走本国工人的就业机会并制造犯罪猖獗的贫民窟。

    They charged that such a law would only encourage even more migrant workers to come to South Korea , pushing native workers out of jobs and creating crime-infested slums .

  5. 本文在犯罪调查的基础上,立足于实证研究,论证了犯罪成本的结构,对犯罪直接成本、犯罪机会成本和犯罪风险成本进行了分析。

    Based on the positive research and survey , the paper argues the structure of crime costs , and analyses crime direct costs , crime opportunity costs and crime risk costs .

  6. 采取减少犯罪机会、加大犯罪难度、增加犯罪成本及降低犯罪预期回报等措施,可以有效控制“两抢一盗”犯罪。

    To control the crimes of " robbery , grab and theft ", we should decrease criminal chances , improve the difficulty of crime , increase the cost of crime and lessen the criminal anticipation avails .

  7. 记得我们以前讲到我们有三个敌人:世界,肉体,和魔鬼。世界是那些要把我们从神的身边拉走的人或事。肉体是我们因为自己的欲望而做错事。魔鬼总是在找机会引诱我们犯罪。

    Remember those 3 enemies we talked about from our last lesson ? They were 1 ) the world people or things that draw us away from God , 2 ) the flesh our own desires to do wrong , and 3 ) the devil God 's enemy who is working to get us to sin .

  8. 庭审程序应当给予控辩双方同样的机会,被害人作为犯罪结果的直接承受者和诉讼当事人,如果他想就量刑问题在庭上发表自己的意见,也应当给他提供机会。

    The procedures to control both sides should be given the same opportunities as a result , the victim of the crime of direct and the litigants , if he is sentence to the problem in giving his views and shall give him the chance .