
bǎn dèng
  • wooden bench or stool
板凳 [bǎn dèng]
  • [wooden bench or stool] 用狭长的厚木板做的一种无靠背长凳

板凳[bǎn dèng]
  1. 他看见一位姑娘坐在靠近围栏的板凳上。

    He saw a girl sitting on a bench against the railings .

  2. ac米兰队的板凳深度强于桑普多利亚队。

    The AC Milan has a deeper bench than the Sampdoria .

  3. 虽然美国职业篮球协会(NationalBasketballAssociation)的板凳球员每年能挣到逾50万美元,但职业游戏玩家却拿不到这么多。

    While even bench warmers in the National Basketball Association make more than $ 500,000 a year , the same is not true of professional gamers .

  4. “每一粒进球都会帮助射手建立自信–进球让你感觉美妙,”这名22岁的球员这样说道,在B组的前两场比赛连续首发后,对阵英格兰他坐到了板凳上。

    " Every single goal helps a striker with his confidence – it makes you feel good ," said the22-year-old , who came off the bench against England after starting the first two Group B matches .

  5. 无论他今后成为一个真正的NBA明星,还是打破了他的水晶鞋、回到替补板凳的末端,对我来说都不重要。

    Whether he blossoms into a legitimate NBA star or shatters his glass slipper sitting at the end of the bench is of little importance to me .

  6. 这位前火箭队板凳球员帮助东莞队杀进那个赛季的季后赛,而且2008年哈里斯还获得CBA的扣篮比赛冠军。

    The former Houston Rockets'bench player helped Dongguan into the CBA playoffs that season , and Harris won the CBA Slam Dunk Competition in2008 .

  7. 伊安-马辛米的合同是一个沉重的负担,板凳阵容最强依然存在怀疑,其核心相比NBA真正的重量级人物缺乏明星气质。

    The Ian Mahinmi contract is an albatross , the bench is still suspect at best , and their core still lacks star power compared to the NBA 's real heavy hitters .

  8. Q:过去几年来,我们都见证了詹姆斯-哈登,在雷霆打进了总决赛,马努-吉诺比利从板凳席上站出来,获得了冠军。

    Question : " In years past we 've seen guys like James Harden , when he was with OKC , get to the NBA Finals . Manu Ginobili was a guy who 's come off the bench and won a title . "

  9. 现在是签下JR.的最佳时机。球队不需要他成为首发甚至是最好的板凳球员。

    And now is the perfect time for somebody to commit to JR. They don 't need him to be a starter or even the best player on the bench .

  10. 正是有戈登在MVP詹姆斯哈登和全明星克里斯保罗之后提供了足够的板凳深度,火箭队上赛季拥有了联盟排名第二的进攻火力,并且在三分球投射方面领先联盟一大步。

    With Gordon providing quality depth behind NBA MVP James Harden and All-Star Chris Paul , the Rockets had the No. 2 offense , per NBA.com , and led the league in three-pointers by a wide margin .

  11. 在ASU,他是球队毋庸置疑的领袖,一个以体育画报封面亮相的超级巨星,但是在OKC,他不得不从板凳做起。

    Back in ASU , he was unquestionably the leader of the team , a superstar with Sports Illustrated cover appearance , but now he had to start from the bench in OKC .

  12. 板凳上的球员们都冲进场内。球迷们,声浪&这就是我感谢上帝自己在EPL为曼联踢球的原因。

    The players on the bench were coming on the pitch , the fans , the atmosphere-this is why I say thanks to God I play in the Premier League and for United .

  13. Jud看着我,他说,史蒂夫,一般来讲,当你的雕像伫立于体育馆外,是根本不会给你机会坐板凳的。

    And Jud looked at me and he said , Steve , as a general rule , when you have your own statue outside the stadium , you don 't come off the bench .

  14. 他也跨界设计造型极其简朴的紫砂茶具(它的制作原料紫砂泥只有江苏出产),以及灵感源自中国街边普通板凳的家具,并与荷兰家居品牌Moooi合作生产这些家具。

    He is also a designer of products such as starkly minimalist tea sets made from zisha clay , found only in China 's Jiangsu province , and furniture inspired by the country 's humble street stools , made in collaboration with Dutch brand Moooi .

  15. 到后来,他能放大胆逐渐靠近那条板凳了。

    He had finally grown bold , and approached the bench .

  16. 公园内的板凳被用螺丝锁到地面上。

    The benches in the park are screwed to the ground .

  17. 楼梯最下面有个板凳。

    There 's a bench at the base of the stairs .

  18. 姚明,第一节坐板凳看。

    Yao ming , watching the first quarter from the bench .

  19. 论板凳的文化特征及其对现代设计的启示

    On Cultural Characteristics of Stool and its Enlightenment to Modern Design

  20. 我可以说是你躺在了我的板凳下。

    I might point out you 're lying under my bench .

  21. 亦要为这英国新来客坐一次冷板凳。

    Had to take a back seat to the British newcomer .

  22. 孩子们坐在大厅前面的长板凳上。

    Children sat on forms at the front of the hall .

  23. 安德森和奥尔森只能坐板凳。

    Anderson and Jesper Olsen each earn a place on the bench .

  24. 一个孤单的小男孩正坐在长板凳上看书。

    A lonely boy was reading on a long bench .

  25. 我看见一些村民坐在板凳上。

    I saw some of the village people seated on the bench .

  26. 斯奈德这样有潜力的球员却被浪费在板凳上等着生锈。

    Snyder is like wasted potential rotting on the bench .

  27. 我们拿给他们垫子,免得坐在长板凳上太硬。

    We gave them cushions to ease the hardness of the benches .

  28. 他被从海军部调离且实则坐起了冷板凳。

    He was removed from the Admiralty and effectively sidelined .

  29. 易建联,祝你在板凳上看球愉快。

    Hope you enjoyed watching that from the bench , yi jianlian !

  30. 谈商务类专业学生求职的板凳模式

    On the Wooden Stool Modal of Business Majors ' Applying for Jobs