
  • 网络plate tectonics;Theory of plate tectonics
  1. 板块构造论是由德国科学家AlfredWegener于二十世纪早期开创的。

    The story of plate tectonics begins with the German scientist Alfred Wegener in the early part of the twentieth century .

  2. 嘿,我们可以好好研究一下“板块构造论”

    Hey , why don 't we do a whole thing on plate tectonics ?

  3. 从板块构造论中国宏观地貌

    Discussion of macroscopic landform of China by the theory of plate tectonic

  4. 板块构造论认为,地球表面由十来个巨大的地壳板块构成,漂浮在浩瀚如海的部分熔岩上。

    The theory of plate tectonics holds that the surface of Earth is composed of a dozen or so huge crustal slabs that float on a sea of partially molten rock .

  5. 从板块构造观点论地槽

    On the subject of geosynclines from the viewpoint of plate tectonics

  6. 按照板块构造理论及活动论、阶段论的思想,通过剥蚀恢复原型盆地,首次将华北板块东南缘盆地演化划分四个大阶段,六类沉积盆地。

    In thought of the plate tectonics theory and staged mobilism , the basin evolution of the Southern-East of North China Plate ( SENCP ) is divided into 4 stages and 6 types by recovering denudation .