
  • motorway;driveway;vehicular road
  1. 所有的车辆都必须改道而行,可在前方10公里处,重新回到机动车道上。

    All traffics have to take a diversion and rejoin the motorway 10-km further on .

  2. 第四次事故发生在1970年,当时他正沿着机动车道开车、突然汽车着火了,他马上跳离车子,随后汽车就爆炸了。

    Accident number four came in 1970 when his car caught fire as he drove along a motorway and he fled with seconds to spare before the fuel tank exploded .

  3. Dietrich先生通过在绝大多数自行车道和机动车道之间建立隔离栏杆让人们减少对骑车安全的担心。

    Mr Dietrich has allayed fears about safety by erecting barriers between most cycle lanes and the traffic .

  4. 别忘了,在机动车道撒很难过我们可以开的很快。

    Remember that we can go quite fast on the motorways .

  5. 非机动车道对机动车道干扰的流体内摩擦模型

    Liquid inner - friction model about non-maneuverable lane interference with motor lane

  6. 走34号大街往西就到了威尔伯机动车道

    Shoot across the 34 West to the Wilbur Cross !

  7. 当然,我很乐意铺好这条街的机动车道

    Of course , I would love to pave this street for cars .

  8. 浅谈城市道路机动车道沥青路面结构组合设计

    On structural combination design of motor vehicle lane asphalt pavement in urban roads

  9. 地下机动车道空气质量标准和设计通风量计算方法

    Air quality standard and calculation method of designed ventilation rate in underground vehicle passages

  10. 它跑在机动车道了。

    It was running on the motor way .

  11. 如何在机动车道里安全骑行?

    How to ride safely in traffic ?

  12. 关于非机动车道(网)时空饱和度及其应用

    About Degree of Time Space Saturation in The Network of Bicycle Road and Its Application

  13. 避开机动车道,在平滑的路面上行驶。

    Keep away from motor vehicle lane , run on smooth and even road surface .

  14. 在机动车道上骑自行车是不允许的。

    Riding bicycle on roadway is banned .

  15. 30.3%骑自行车者报告过去30天有闻红灯、占用机动车道、骑车带人等违章行为。

    30.3 % bicycle riders reported that they had traffic peccancy behavior in the past 30 days .

  16. 它包含两条各14米宽的机动车道,和两条各4米宽的自行车、手推车车道。

    It contains two motorized vehicular lanes of14 m each , and two bicycle and cart lanes of4 m each .

  17. 在迎风侧,非机动车道上与人行道上的污染物浓度几乎相同。

    The concentration of pollutants in the bike lane and sidewalk are almost the same as in the windward side .

  18. 它们多数仅有两条机动车道,而三环路内的许多部分还有很多未完工。

    They mostly contain only two lanes for motorized vehicles , and sections on the inside of the Third Ring Road are still largely uncompleted .

  19. 也就是说,无论美化的轴线还是廊道,抑或非机动车道运动,都是为了满足城市居民的美学和游憩需求。

    That is , they were developed to address esthetic and recreational needs of city dwellers-beautified axes and corridors as well as non-motorized routes of movement .

  20. 在普通街道上,公交车站通常直接设置在非机动车道上,从而引发机动车与非机动车的相互干扰。

    On some other roads , bus stop is usually set straightly on the non-motorized lanes , causing traffic interferences between motorized vehicles and non-motorized vehicles .

  21. 试验地点选择太原市城区,具体方法是在机动车道和非机动车道之间设置遮阳网。

    Generally , green road belts have been used to promote the spread of air pollutants outside of the road , while non-motorized vehicles roads have been disregarded .

  22. 以厦门市市府大道路面改造工程中两侧非机动车道彩色沥青混凝土路面施工为例,着重对彩色沥青混凝土路面的原材料选择、混合料拌和、施工工艺、工程检测及分析等作了全面阐述。

    This paper expounds the raw material selection , mixing , construction technology , measuring and analysis of colorful asphalt concrete pavement construction taking example of non-automotive path paving .

  23. 我国城市道路机动车道与非机动车道之间无物理隔离设施的情况非常普遍,因而相邻的机非交通流存在严重的相互干扰。

    It is a common phenomenon that bicyclists and motorists share the non-barrier section in urban road of China . Therefore , there exist interactions between these two participants .

  24. 隧道掘进施工通风风量计算与设备选择地下机动车道空气质量标准和设计通风量计算方法

    Calculation of Wind Amount Needed by Ventilation During Tunnel Driving Construction and Selection of Equipments Air quality standard and calculation method of designed ventilation rate in underground vehicle passages

  25. 非机动车应当在非机动车道内行驶;在没有非机动车道的道路上,应当靠车行道的右侧行驶。

    Non-motor vehicles shall run within the non-motor vehicle lanes ; or shall , on the road without non-motor vehicle lanes , run by the right side of the vehicle lane .

  26. 尽管中国并未明确禁止骑自行车,但快速的经济发展导致许多自行车道被改成了机动车道,而且一些城市不允许自行车在某些主干道上行驶。

    While China did not ban cycling outright , rapid economic development meant many bicycle paths were replaced by roads , and in some cities bicycles are not allowed on certain major thoroughfares .

  27. 然后运用数据建立非机动车道利用率模型,在此基础上对城市交通规划、交通组织和交通安全等做规划指导。

    Then a non-motorized vehicle lane utilization model which is created based on the collected data can be used as a guidance of the urban transport planning , traffic organization and traffic safety planning .

  28. 该文对武汉市城市道路机动车道宽度进行了研究,选择合理的机动车车道宽度,具有十分重要的经济和社会意义。

    The article studies the motor vehicle lane width of the urban roads in Wuhan City and selects the reasonable lane width for the motor vehicles , which have the economical and social significance .

  29. 针对有信号交叉口,通过对行人和机动车进行信号控制,在带有右转机动车道的交叉口处,研究了行人和机动车相互干扰机理。

    It can well simulate the characteristics of interference between two-way pedestrians and vehicles . ( 3 ) For signal intersection , the paper study the mutual interference mechanism between pedestrians and vehicles at the intersections with right turning lane by signal control .

  30. 因此有必要研究影响非机动车道利用率的各种影响因素,比如非机动车道的合理宽度、板块设置方式、交通管理措施等,以提高整个路网的通行能力。

    Therefore it is necessary to study the impact factors which affect the utilization of non-motorized vehicle lane , such as reasonable width of non-motorized vehicle lane , plate settings and traffic management measures , in order to improve the capacity of the entire road network .