
  • 网络kokushi
  1. 据联合国人口司(UNPopulationDivision)及高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)预测,在一代人时间内,中国中产阶级将大约是美国中产阶级人口规模的4倍。

    Within a generation , the middle class in China will be roughly four times the size of the American middle class population , according to the UN Population Division and Goldman Sachs .

  2. 避免人口下降所需要的出生率的计算,来源于联合国人口司(UNPopulationDivision)的“即时替换计算”,不仅包含出生率,也包含孕产妇死亡率。

    The calculation of the number of births needed to stop population from falling is derived from the UN Population Division 's " instant-replacement calculation , " which takes account not only of the rate of births but also maternal deaths .

  3. 据联合国统计司统计,中国现在是世界上第五大蔬菜出口国家。

    According to the statistics of UN statistical department , China has become theworld fifth vegetable export country .

  4. 这幅地图根据联合国人口司最新数据,显示了世界上最拥挤和最不拥挤的国家。

    Those most - and least - crowded countries are shown here , based on the latest available figures from the UN Population Division .

  5. 应用联合国统计司公布的中国1986-2002年度二氧化碳排放总量数据,通过计量模型论证收入差距与环境质量之间的假设。

    Using data of CO_2 emissions of China from 1986 to 2002 year published on UNSD , we examine the relationship between income inequality and environmental quality in China .

  6. 这笔由驻印海外学子自发筹集的救灾款,最终被辗转交到了我国教育部国际司出国留学生工作处。

    This piece of donation was finally received by the overseas student section of the National Bureau of Education of China .