
  1. 高素质国防后备力量建设问题,在社会国防建设中占有十分重要的位置。

    The problem of high quality reserve force is important .

  2. 国防后备力量建设审计工作面临的问题及对策

    Auditing in national reserve forces construction : problems and Solutions

  3. 高素质国防后备力量管理机制研究

    Study on Management of High Quality Reserve

  4. 大学生是国防后备力量的高层次人才,其数量质量结构,在后备力量中居重要地位。

    University students are a high-level talent of the reserve force of the national defense , its quantity quality structure , occupy the important position in reserve force .

  5. 要加强国防后备力量建设,发展国防科技工业,完善国防动员体制。

    We should strengthen the building of our national defense reserves , develop the science , technology and industry of national defense and improve the system of national defense mobilization .

  6. 中国坚持现代条件下的人民战争思想,实行精干的常备军与强大的国防后备力量相结合。

    China adheres to the concept of people 's war under modern conditions , and exercises the combination of a streamlined standing army with a powerful reserve force for national defense .

  7. 军事课具有提高大学生综合素质,培养国防建设后备力量,保证国防教育长期发展的战略意义。

    Martial lesson has tactic significance on boosting integration quality of academic learning , bringing up national defense power in support , ensuring a lasting national defense education development .

  8. 加强国防动员和后备力量建设。

    We will strengthen our national defense mobilization and reserve forces .

  9. 加强国防动员和后备力量建设,强化日常战备和边防海防空防管控。

    We will strengthen national defense mobilization and the reserve forces , place war preparations on a regular footing , and enhance border , coastal and air defenses .

  10. 创新发展人民战争战略战术,推进军民融合式发展,提高国防动员和后备力量建设质量。

    They constantly bring forward new ideas for the strategies and tactics of people 's war , advance integrated civilian-military development , and enhance the quality of national defense mobilization and reserve force building .

  11. 增强全民国防意识,推进国防动员和后备力量建设。

    We will raise public awareness of the importance of national defense , and improve mobilization for national defense and the building of reserve forces .

  12. 增强全民国防观念,提高国防动员和后备力量建设质量。巩固和发展军政军民团结。

    We should raise public awareness of the importance of national defense and improve the capacity for national defense mobilization and the capability of our reserve forces . We should consolidate and increase unity between the military and the government and between the military and the civilians .