
bù zhàn ér shèng
  • vanquish ... without battle;conquer without a single fight;defeat sb. without a fight;win hands down
不战而胜[bù zhàn ér shèng]
  1. 孙子兵法:“大的市场加上少的竞争对手,等于不战而胜。”

    The Art of War : " The market coupled with fewer competitors , equivalent to win without fighting . "

  2. 第二轮特拉维斯不战而胜,因为华生还没有能够从先前的比赛中恢复过来,只得退出。

    Travis won a walkover in the second round because Watson still hadn 't recovered from his earlier fight and had to back out .

  3. 因为某些不劳而获的违法者和福利皇后这些怪物制造的假象而去支持伤害他们的政策,这的确让对方匪夷所思地不战而胜。

    It is a stunning triumph of propaganda , where some people support policies that hurt them , because of false contrived bogeymen like freeloading illegals and welfare queens .

  4. 莱纳德:听我说,你不必戴那假发,只要能带个女生去那派对,我们就等于不战而胜了。

    Leonard : Okay , listen . You don 't have to wear the . At this party , we 're gonna win first prize just by with a girl .

  5. 就攻击性来说,展现攻击性对个体的好处是他可以不战而胜,这看起来有些矛盾。

    In the case of aggressiveness , the benefit to the aggressive individual is , paradoxically , that he will not have to get into fights in order to prove the point .