
  • 网络incomplete contract
  1. 不完全合同、退出的激励平衡和控制权转移

    Incomplete Contract , Incentive Equilibrium in the Exit of Venture Capital and the Control Transfer

  2. 本章详细地总结了不完全合同基础的进展,并给出了一些的评论。

    This chapter detailedly summarizes the progress of foundation of incomplete contract , and gives some remarks .

  3. 论不完全合同纠纷的解决机制

    The Study on Settlement to Dissensions of Incomplete Contracts

  4. 企业是一系列合同的契约网络,产权安排的重要性来自于现实世界中的不完全合同。

    The importance of the arrangement of property rights comes from incomplete contracts in reality .

  5. 不完全合同与股票期权计划

    Incomplete Contracts and Stock Option Plan

  6. 对不完全合同的执行,是双方当事人和法庭所关注的问题。

    The execution of the incomplete contracts is concerned by both parties in charge and the courts .

  7. 企业负债融资的控制权效率研究&基于不完全合同理论的分析框架

    A Research on Control Right Efficiency of Enterprise Indebtedness Financing & A theory analysis based on imperfect contract

  8. 英美法系的法官们采用默示条款为不完全合同所欠缺的内容进行补充。

    Common law judges use the " implied terms " to supplement the lack of content in incomplete contract .

  9. 因此,只有不完全合同观点才能为财务结构的研究提供一个很自然的方法。

    So , none but incomplete contracting ideas can provide a natural way for the study of financial structure .

  10. 不完全合同框架下公私合作制的创新激励&基于公共服务供给的社会福利创新条件分析

    The Innovation Incentives of Public-Private Partnership under Incomplete Contracts : Analysis on Innovation Conditions of Social Welfare Based on Public Services Supply

  11. 利用博弈理论与不完全合同理论研究了公用事业直接管制定价法的有效性;

    The effectiveness of the direct regulation pricing methods of public utility goods is discussed using the means of game theory and imperfect contract theory .

  12. 不完全合同在现实中大量存在,合同双方的权利义务处于不确定状态。

    A lot of incomplete contracts exist in present real life and the rights and obligations of both parties in contracts are in uncertain state .

  13. 文章针对创业资本退出时控制权转移问题,构建了基于不完全合同理论的分析框架。

    A framework based on the incomplete contract theory is established in this paper so as to explore the issue of control transfer in the exit of venture capital .

  14. 本研究采用动态博弈理论,建立了以政府机构为主导地位的,承发包双方针对施工条件变化,围绕着工期、合同价变更的不完全合同模型。

    According to the change of working condition for construction project , by using dynamic game theory , incomplete contract model about constructing time and price is set up .

  15. 本文对这一转变过程作了简要的介绍,并重点介绍了不完全合同理论及其发展等前沿问题。

    This article is intended to introduce briefly the course of the changes , placing emphasis on the incomplete contract theory and hot issues concerning development of this theory .

  16. 在不完全合同完整化过程中,建设工程合同效率存在着市场结构、信息不对称以及外部性等交易成本障碍,这种非充分博弈均衡是合同履行中的效率损耗隐患。

    Although efficient risk allocation is capable of obtaining an entirety of incomplete contracts , the market structure , information asymmetry and externality can be transactional cost deterrence to construction contract efficiency .

  17. 本文沿着委托代理理论和不完全合同理论这一分析框架,探讨了企业改制的任务和若干指导原则,并着重指出:(1)现行公司治理理论的逻辑框架是不完整的;

    Under the analyzing framework of principal-agent theory and incomplete contracts theory , this article discusses the tasks and principles of enterprises reform It is emphasized that : ( 1 ) the logic framework of existing corporate governance theory is incomplete ;

  18. 因此,不完全合同理论从企业所有权的角度研究代理问题便直接触及到问题的本质,是我们研究公司代理问题,特别是国有控股公司治理问题的有力工具。

    Therefore , the incomplete contract theory makes direct analysis on agent problem and reaches the essence of the question from the angel of corporate control , and thus , it is a useful tool in analyzing the issue of corporate governance of state holding enterprises .

  19. 第五、六、七章分别就三个案例的特点,抽象出不同的机制,运用博弈论、委托代理和不完全合同等理论对机制进行了分析,总结了三种机制的适用条件。

    The fifth , sixth , seventh chapters abstract three different mechanisms according to to the characteristics of each case , and summarizes the applicable conditions of the three mechanisms by analysis of these three mechanisms using game theory , agency theory and incomplete contract theory .

  20. 不完全工程合同会导致合同激励不足和约束失控,从而引发工程争端。

    Incomplete contracts lead to lack of contract incentives and constraints out of control , resulting in construction disputes .

  21. 文章分析了企业家(内部人)与投资者(外部人)在不同信息结构下的不完全金融合同。

    This paper analyzes the incomplete financial contracts between entrepreneur ( insider ) and investor ( outsider ) in different information structures .

  22. 不完全市场期货合同的均衡存在性

    Existence of Future Contract Equilibrium with Incomplete Real Asset Markets

  23. 基金合同是事前合同,是不完全契约,合同无法就基金相关事由进行事前完全约定。

    Fund contract prior contract is incomplete contract , the contract can not be related to the subject of the Fund fully agreed in advance .

  24. 可撤销合同在除斥期间,既非有效合同,亦非效力待定合同,更不是无效合同,而是一种相对有效的效力不完全的另类合同。

    Voidable contract , in scheduled period , is not a valid contract , nor are prospect valid contract and voidable contract but a relatively valid contract with incomplete validity .

  25. 这些承诺以隐性(或不完全明确的)合同形式存在。

    These commitments take the form of implicit – or not fully specified – contracts .