
  • 网络Bad information;unhealthy information
  1. 基于数据挖掘的Web文本不良信息监测模型研究

    A Model of Monitoring Bad Information in Web Text Based on Date Mining

  2. 基于互联网的不良信息滤技术就是在这种情况下诞生的。互联网信息过滤(InformationFiltering)是指从海量的Web文本中识别出含有不良信息的非法文本,以将其屏蔽。

    It appearances under this kind of condition that the bad information filtering technology based on Internet . The Internet Information Filtering refers to identify the illegitimate text which includes ill content and takes them out .

  3. 互联网信息过滤(InformationFiltering)是指从海量的WEB文本中识别出含有不良信息的非法文本,以将其屏蔽。

    The international Information Filtering refers to identify the illegitimate text that includes ill content and takes out them .

  4. Intranet非法站点及不良信息检测系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implemention of Intranet illegal Web and ill Information Detection System

  5. 互联网给我们带来信息爆炸、快速经济的同时,也带来了很多不利于经济发展和人民生活的不良信息,对WEB信息的过滤成为一个热门的研究课题。

    Internet brings us information explosion and the rapid economic development , and it also brings harmful information , so filtering the information from WEB becomes a hot research field .

  6. 本文最后将系统部署在由五台普通PC服务器组建的分布式集群,并通过在室内监控音频数据分析和不良信息检测两个应用来验证系统在检索精确度和处理速度的有效性。

    At last , we deploy the system into a cluster composed by five PCs , and verify the effectiveness and performance in two practical application & analysis of monitor audio data and pornographic information detection .

  7. 对于浏览业务,系统通过分析GTP协议获取用户信息及浏览内容,并利用URL或关键字黑名单对不良信息进行过滤。

    For the browser business , the system , by analyzing the GTP protocol , obtains user information and browsing content , and uses URL or keyword blacklist to filter bad information .

  8. 最后本文对不良信息过滤系统以及WAP网络爬虫系统实现涉及到的关键技术进行了详细的分析和讨论,同时也开发了原型系统并进行实验测试。

    Finally , this paper detailedly analyzes and discusses the key technology of realizing the negative information filtering system and the WAP network crawler system . Also , it develops a prototype system and makes some tests .

  9. 本文还提出并设计了用于主动发现不良信息网站的WAP网络爬虫系统,作为不良信息过滤系统的补充,主动抓取和分析WAP网页内容,识别不良WAP网站。

    This paper also proposes and designs the WAP websites crawler system , being used to discover negative information websites initiatively , and this crawler system is considered as the complement of the negative information filtering system .

  10. 基于状态转换方法的不良信息文本过滤模型

    A Model of Filtering Bad Text Information Based on State Conversion

  11. 阻止型不良信息过滤器的研究与设计

    Research and Design of an Illegal and Harmful Information Filter

  12. 无线互联网不良信息过滤系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design on Wireless Internet Negative Information Filter System

  13. 基于内容理解的不良信息过滤技术研究

    Studies on objectionable information filtering technology based on contents understanding

  14. 一种用于互动型不良信息过滤的贝叶斯改进方案

    An Improved Bayesian Learning Scheme for Interactive Harmful Information Filtering

  15. 如何过滤不良信息是个重要的研究课题。

    How to filter erotic information off Internet is an important research topic .

  16. 是,因为美国电影里总是巧妙地充满着不良信息和宣传材料

    Yes , because American films are so subtly filled with messages and propaganda

  17. 谈高校图书馆网络不良信息的控制与排除问题

    Discussion on the Control and Exclusion of the Bad Information of University Library

  18. 网络世界里的不良信息影响着少年儿童的健康成长。

    The bad information in the network world influenced children ' healthy population .

  19. 面向互动型网络媒体的不良信息检测与过滤

    Harmful Information Detection and Filtering Toward Interactive Web Media

  20. 基于一类分类法的不良信息过滤模型

    A Malicious Information Filtering Model Based on One-class Classification

  21. 不良信息对青少年身心健康的侵蚀不容忽视。

    It should not be neglected that teenagers are eroded by bad information .

  22. 中国网络文化安全不良信息评价指标体系实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Bad Information Evaluation Index System of Network Culture in China

  23. 整治恶心灌水,严厉打击恶意灌水的不良信息和广告;

    Remediation nausea irrigation , irrigation crack down on bad information and malicious ads ;

  24. 除了电脑,电影电视也在散布不良信息。

    Apart from computer , films and television programs are complicit in diffusing unhealthy information .

  25. 其次本文研究了一个不良信息监测智能决策问题。

    Secondly , an intelligent decision-making problem for bad information is studied in this paper .

  26. 思想政治理论课在应对网络不良信息中的作用

    The Function of Ideological and Political Theory Course in Dealing with Unhealthy Information on Network

  27. 禁止网络上的一些不良信息材料是防止它们落入未成年人之手的一种有效方法。

    Banning the offensive online materials is an effective way of keeping them out of minors'hands .

  28. 我们如何阻止儿童浏览网上的不良信息?

    How do we stop young children from looking at Internet sites that have inappropriate content ?

  29. 政府应该加强对社会的管理,严厉限制媒体上的不良信息。

    The government should enhance the administration of society and restriction of harmful information in media .

  30. 互联网在提供丰富信息资源的同时,也带来了不良信息的泛滥。

    The Internet provides a wealth of information resources , has brought the proliferation of bad information .