
jiān jù
  • space;interval;separation;distance;clearance;remove
间距 [jiān jù]
  • [interval;clearance] 间隔的距离

  1. 过冷Ni(50)Cu(50)合金的二次枝晶间距

    Secondary arm spacing of undercooled ni_ ( 50 ) cu_ ( 50 ) alloy

  2. TEM观察表明蒙脱土的层间距增大。

    TEM photographs suggested that the spacing of layers has increased .

  3. 这些植株分布均匀,间距大约为50厘米。

    The plants were spaced regularly , about 50 cm apart .

  4. 我钻了5个等间距的孔。

    I drilled five holes at equal distance .

  5. 一些著名的经济学家也认为,穷人现在更难爬上经济阶梯,因为阶与阶之间的间距更大了。

    A number of prominent economists have also argued that it 's harder for the poor to climb the economic ladder today because the rungs in that ladder have grown farther apart .

  6. 兰氏温标的温度间距与华氏温标的相同

    The Rankine scale has scale increments equal to the FahrenheIt'scale .

  7. 在控制校内人员密度方面《方案》要求:有条件的学校,应保证每名学生前后左右间距保持1米。

    Schools , where conditions allow , should ensure that students are seated at least one meter apart from each other .

  8. 换能器间距对SAW器件特性的影响

    The influence of distance between transducers on the characteristic of SAW devices

  9. 采用大功率LED技术的大间距显示屏在城市亮化中的应用

    The Applications of Big Pitch Screen with High Power LED Technology to Cities ' Illumination

  10. 非等间距相关系数AR(p)序列预测方法

    Prediction Method for Correlation Coefficient AR ( p ) Series with Unequally Spaced Data

  11. 激光烧蚀制备纳米Si晶粒尺寸均匀性与靶衬间距的关系

    Relation between target-substrate separation and size-uniformity of Si nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation

  12. 非等间距GM(1,1)模型的模糊优化

    Fuzzy Optimization of Non-equidistance GM ( 1,1 ) Model

  13. MIS反型层太阳电池栅电极间距的研究

    Research on the space of grid electrode of MIS inversion layer solar cells

  14. 基于最大间距准则(MMC)新的有效特征提取方法

    New and Efficient Feature Extraction Methods Based on Maximum Margin Criterion

  15. 基于圆孔夫琅和费衍射的CCD像素间距标定

    An Approach to the Effective Pixels Interval Measurement of CCD Camera System on the Basis of Circular Hole Fraunhofer Diffraction Theory

  16. 优化脉冲间距的多脉冲尾流加速PIC模拟

    PIC simulation of the wake field accelerator driven by multiple-pulse with optimized intervals

  17. 极板间距对反应溅射GexC(1-x)薄膜的影响

    Effect of Target-Substrate Distance on Reactive Sputtering of Ge_xC_ ( 1-x ) Films

  18. 在单个天线研究的基础上,使用连续相位旋转法(sequentialrotationmethod)对4单元圆极化阵列进行了设计,比较了单元间距对于天线性能的影响。

    Based on analyzing single CP microstrip antenna , a four-unit antenna array has been designed using sequential rotation method , and the influence of patch distance is compared .

  19. 小Ra数时套管间距对自然对流影响的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of the Influence of the Gap Spacing on Natural Convection in Horizontal Annuli at Small Ra Numbers

  20. 当稀土元素La的添加量为0.31%时,同一系列的一次枝晶间距达到最小值410.4。

    When we put in 0.31 % La , its primary dendrite spacing obtained the minimum 410.4395 μ m at the same series .

  21. 结果:较大分子量的PEG与蒙脱石插层后的层间距更大。

    Results : It showed that the interval-distance is larger when the molecular weight ( MW ) of PEG is higher .

  22. 固液界面能的降低也使得柱状枝晶的二次枝臂间距和一次分枝间距随着Sr量增多而降低。

    The reduction of the solid-liquid interfacial energy also leads to the decreases of the primary dendrite spacing and the secondary dendrite arm spacing .

  23. 结论是:最佳板一板间距2b为300~500mm;

    It is concluded that the optimal plate-plate spacing 2b is 300-500mm ;

  24. 在国内目前无相应设计规范的情况下,探讨了LNG汽车加气站的选址、安全间距。

    In the absence of the corresponding domestic design code , the site selection and safety distance of LNG vehicle fueling station are discussed .

  25. 分析了FRP的厚度和间距等对承载力与界面约束应力的影响。

    The effects on the strength of the columns with confinement stresses are studied when the thickness and the spacing of FRP straps are changed .

  26. 经红外光谱和X射线衍射表明,有机插层剂已进入蒙脱土的层间,有机蒙脱土的层间距由1.2nm增加到1.4~2.3nm。

    The spectra of FTIR and XRD showed that the organic reagents had intercalated into the layers of MMT , and the spacing of MMT layers increased from 1.2 nm to 1.42.3 nm .

  27. 在处置巷道间距变为6m时,其温度场叠加现象较为明显。

    In disposing of roadway spacing into its temperature field 6m , superposition phenomenon was quite obvious .

  28. 指出选择点源间距时,仅按垂直入射情况选择的间距不能完全保证辐射源的安全,应该考虑ARM斜入射的情况。

    It is pointed out that the distance chosen according to vertical incidence cannot assure the safety of radar and the oblique incidence should be considered when choosing the distance of radiation sources .

  29. 应用Ito塑性变形理论并结合土拱强度理论推导了临界桩间距(最大桩间距)公式;

    The critical spacing between anti-sliding piles is analyzed by combining the theory of Ito 's plastic deformation with that of soil arch strength .

  30. TG和WAXD实验结果表明,采用共插层剂改性的蒙脱土的片层间距显著增大,且热分解温度较高;

    TG and WAXD results show that MMT modified by co-intercalating agents has more larger interlamellar spacing and higher thermal decomposition temperature .