
  • 网络micro-polluted;Micro-Sample
  1. 新型MBR处理微污染景观水试验研究

    Study on a new type of MBR for micro-polluted landscape water treatment

  2. 目前应用MBR对微污染水源水中微量2,4,6–TCP的去除尚未见报道。

    Using MBR for trace 2,4,6-TCP removal in micro-polluted water sources has not been reported up to present .

  3. EM经三种培养基富集培养后,用其培养液对微污染水进行净化处理。

    Minor-polluted water was purified by enriched solution after successful enrichment of EM.

  4. 新型AF滤料处理微污染水的过滤技术

    Filtration technology of a new AF media filter to treat micro-organic-polluted raw water

  5. RD吸附氧化法处理海宁市微污染原水

    RD Adsorption and Oxidation Method to Treat the Polluted Raw Water in Haining City

  6. CTAB的降解及其微污染水体的修复研究

    Research on Degradation of CTAB and Remediation of Slight CTAB Polluted Water

  7. 纳米SiO2对含十二烷基苯磺酸钠微污染原水的助凝特性

    Coagulation Aid Characteristics of Silica Nano-Particles in Treatment of Micro-Pollution Raw Water Containing Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate

  8. 牡蛎体Cu污染指数的范围和平均值分别为0.17-0.88和0.30,属微污染到轻污染水平。

    The polluted indexes of Cu in oysters ranged from 0.17 to 0.88 with an average of 0.30 , indicating the minute polluted by Cu in the Bay .

  9. 集成电路(IC)工厂设计的核心问题是微污染控制,防微振作为控制振动污染,在工程设计中占有重要的地位。

    Micro-contamination control is the hardcore in IC fab engineering design . Being the vibration contamination control , micro-vibration-proof plays an important role in the engineering design .

  10. 由此可见,PDM系列样品可作杀菌剂使用,对于微污染水,其杀菌性能优于1227。

    Therefore , PDM series samples could be used as a bactericide with better performance than ( 1227 ) for the micro-pollution water .

  11. 微污染水源水ClO2消毒中ClO2~-的来源与控制技术

    Formation and Control Technology of By-Product Chlorite of Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection for Micro-Polluted Source Water

  12. 混凝、粉末活性炭(PAC)与超滤膜联用对微污染原水中的浊度、有机物等有很高的去除率。

    The process of coagulation-hollow fibre ultrafiltration integrated with particle active carbon can remove turbidity and organic matters in micro-polluted water effectively .

  13. 利用UV/H2O2系统去除自来水中的有机微污染物质,所需H2O2投量高,水力停留时间长;

    It needs long reaction time and high H_2O_2 dosage by using UV / H_2O_2 system on removing micro organic substance in drinking water .

  14. 为满足不断提高的饮用水水质标准的要求,本研究以实际微污染地表水为原水,重点考察了连续运行的膜生物反应器(MBR)对微污染原水中微量TCP的去除效果。

    A lab-scale MBR was performed to investigate the removal of trace TCP from micro-polluted surface water , in order to satisfy the upgrading criteria of drinking water .

  15. KDF滤池去除微污染原水中的铅和汞

    KDF Filter for Removing Lead and Mercury from Micro-polluted Raw Water

  16. MBR、MCR处理微污染水的膜污染比较

    Comparison of Membrane Fouling Between Membrane Bio-reactor ( MBR ) and Membrane Coagulation Reactor ( MCR ) for Micro-polluted Raw Water Treatment

  17. 利用生物曝气滤池(BAF)对微污染水源水去除氨氮及有机物进行了试验研究。

    Biological aerated filter ( BAF ) as bioremediation process of micropolluted source water to remove ammonia and organic matter was studied .

  18. UBAF处理高氨氮微污染水的特性

    Research on characteristics of UBAF treating micro polluted water with high ammonia-nitrogen content

  19. 通过试验探讨了颗粒活性炭(GAC)-石英砂生物过滤对湘江微污染源水的处理特性。

    The character of treating Xiangjiang River micro-polluted source water with granular activated carbon ( GAC ) sand biofiltration was investigated with test .

  20. 对粉末活性炭膜生物反应器(PACMBR)组合工艺处理微污染水源水过程中的膜污染进行了分析,并对膜清洗方法进行了研究。

    Membrane fouling and cleaning methods in the PAC ( powdered activated carbon ) combined MBR ( membrane bioreactor ) applied to purify slightly-polluted raw water were investigated .

  21. 本课题采用混凝生物活性炭(BAC)超滤组合工艺对微污染原水进行处理效果及影响因素的研究。

    The treatment effect and influence factors to micro polluted raw water were researched by combining coagulation-biological activated carbon ( BAC ) - ultra filter craft .

  22. 微污染水对氯胺灭活MS2噬菌体有一定的影响,但没有明显的规律性。

    Slightly contaminated water had some impact on MS2 inactivation but there was no prominent discipline .

  23. 以邯郸市滏阳河微污染原水为对象,研究了温度、NH4+-N浓度、CODMn浓度对生物砂滤池去除水中NH4+-N的影响。

    Influencing factors such as temperature , concentration of NH ~ + _4-N and COD_ ( Mn ) of the raw water on NH ~ + _4-N removal from micro-polluted water of Fuyang River were studied .

  24. 采用MBR(膜生物反应器)及MBR-PAC(PAC,粉末活性炭)组合工艺处理微污染湖水。

    In this experiment membrane bioreactor ( MBR ) and its hybrid process ( MBR-PAC ) were used to treat micro-polluted lake water .

  25. 初步探讨微污染水质对过滤失效的影响及致因,并对高锰酸钾复合药剂(CP)强化过滤微污染水质效能进行研究,试图提出水体污染条件下强化处理的概念。

    The effect and causation of filter failure by polluted water were discussed . The efficiency and mechanism of enhanced filtration with composite potassium permanganate ( CP ) pretreatment process in polluted water treatment were studied .

  26. 载粉末活性炭(PAC)过滤集PAC吸附与过滤于一体,能够应用于微污染原水处理。

    Because powdered activated carbon-embedded filtration ( PACEF ) combined the functions of PAC absorption and mechanical filtration in one reactor , so it will be used for micro-polluted raw water treatment .

  27. 结果表明,生物砂滤池对微污染源水中的CODMn和TOC均有很好的去除效果,对TOC的去除率为18%~25%;

    The results show that the biological sand filter can remove TOC and COD _ ( Mn ) effectively in the micro-polluted source water ; the removal rate of TOC is 18 % - 25 % .

  28. 结果表明,砾石廊道系统对微污染河水中的COD、氨氮、色度具有稳定的去除率,其去除率分别为70%、90%、75%;

    The results showed that the removal rate of COD_ Cr , NH_3-N , and chromaticity in micro-polluted river water purified by gravel corridor system was 70 % , 90 % and 75 % , which was a stable level .

  29. 通过实验室小试,研究了一体式膜生物反应器(MBR)对微污染湖水中的微量2,4-二氯酚(2,4-DCP)的去除效果。

    In this bench-scale test , a membrane bioreactor ( MBR ) was investigated for the removal of trace 2,4-dichlorophenol ( 2,4-DCP ) from surface water with slight pollution .

  30. GAC-NF组合工艺处理微污染饮用水的研究

    Treatment of slightly polluted drinking water by gac-nf process