
  • 网络high turbidity water
  1. PDA检测值法高浊度水自动投药技术应用研究

    Research on Application of Automatic Dosing Technic for High Turbidity Water Flocculence with PDA Detecting Value

  2. 研究了药剂FIQ-C在高浊度水、循环冷却水及城市污水中的絮凝性能,并与PAM-C的絮凝效果进行了比较。

    Flocculation properties of FIQ C in high turbidity water , cycle cooling water and sewage were investigated and compared with PAM C.

  3. PDA在黄河高浊度水处理中的应用研究(Ⅰ)&原水特性表征参数

    Study on Application of PDA for Treatment of Yellow River High-Turbid Water (ⅰ) & Characteristic Parameters of Raw Water

  4. 用CSTR原理分析高浊度水的高效絮凝澄清装置

    The analysis of High-turbid Water with High Effective Flocculation Clarifier Based on CSTR Principle

  5. 次高浊度水混凝最优GT值研究(一)&以过渡层沉速为标准

    The Research on the Best Coagulative GT Value of Sub Turbidity Water ( Part ⅰ)── Using the settling speed of transition layer as standard

  6. 高浊度水的絮凝沉淀主要是投加聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM),而投加量、投加方式和良好的絮凝条件都会影响高浊度水浑液面的沉速。

    Coagulation of high-turbid water mainly depends on adding HPAM while the quantity of HPAM , the way of adding drugs and good conditions for coagulation can have an influence on sedimentation velocities of high-turbidity water 's surface .

  7. 黄河高浊度水沉淀规律研究

    A Study on Sedimentation Law of Yellow River High Turbidity Water

  8. 高浊度水管道混凝系统的设计简化

    The simplified design calculation of high turbid water pipe flocculating system

  9. 关于高浊度水预沉处理技术的实践与再认识

    The Operation and Recognition of the Pretreatment for High Turbidity Water

  10. 泥沙颗粒因素在高浊度水研究中的重要作用

    The Important Role of Sediment Particle Factor in High-Turbid Water Study

  11. 高浊度水混凝沉淀浑液面沉速的计算

    Calculation on settling velocity of interface coagulation precipitation of high-turbid water

  12. 高浊度水二级电凝聚处理工艺

    Two stage ELECTRO-FLOCCULATING treatment of raw water with high turbidity

  13. 受污染高浊度水净化新技术

    New Approaches to Treat Polluted Raw Water with High Turbidity

  14. 高浊度水预处理存在的问题及解决办法

    Problems Existing in the Pre-treatment of High-turbidity Water and Solutions

  15. 高浊度水自然沉降浑液面沉速的计算及实验验证

    Calculating the zone setting velocity of high turbid water and experiment test

  16. 黄河高浊度水的絮凝形态学特性

    Characteristics of Flocculation Morphology of High Turbid Flow of the Yellow River

  17. 论辐流式沉淀池处理黄河高浊度水

    Discussion of Huanghe high turbidity water dealt by radial flow sedimentation tank

  18. 一种新的高浊度水絮凝研究方法

    A New Research Method of Flocculation of Highly Turbid Water

  19. 高浊度水絮凝投药自动控制系统模型试验研究

    Modeling study on automatic dosing for high turbidity water flocculence

  20. 高浊度水混凝动力学机理与工艺设计

    Study on coagulation kinetics mechanism and process design of high turbidity water

  21. 兰州连城铝业净水厂高浊度水处理系统优化化学混凝去除半导体机械研磨废水浊度的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Wastewater Turbidity in Semiconductor Mechanical Attrition by Chemical Coagulation

  22. 高浊度水辐射沉淀池模型试验

    Model Tests of Radial Sedimentation Tank for High Turbid Water

  23. 聚丙稀酰胺处理高浊度水对流动电流技术应用的影响研究

    Effects of Polyacrylamide on Application of Streaming Current Technology in High Turbidity Water

  24. 上向流翼板槽处理高浊度水的沉淀试验研究

    Research on sedimentation of high turbidity water by upward flow wing plate channel

  25. 高浊度水透光脉动单因子投药自控模型实验

    Auto-control Modelling Experiment of High Turbidity Water with Transparent Pulsation Single-factor Flocculant Adding

  26. 斜板预沉处理黄河高浊度水的试验研究

    Study on Treatment of Water with High Turbidity of Yellow River in Inclined-Plate Presettling

  27. 国内很多水厂都存在处理高浊度水的问题。

    The problem of high turbid water is existed in many domestic water plant .

  28. 黄河高浊度水混凝沉淀试验的研究

    Research on Coagulation and Sedimentation of Raw Water with High Turbidity in Yellow River

  29. 高浊度水给水设计规范

    Code for design of water-supply for muddy water

  30. 黄河高浊度水净化集成技术生产性实验研究

    Study on the full-scale text integrated technology of purification in Yellow River high-turbid water treatment