
  • 网络HIGH ELVES;high elf
  1. 他们的数量比高等精灵多,而且可以以策略制胜多数敌人。

    They outnumber the high elves and can outmaneuver most enemies .

  2. 达纳苏斯语是血精灵和高等精灵的母语。

    Thalassian is the primary language of blood elves and high elves .

  3. 所有残存的高等精灵都非常厌恶血精灵。

    All remaining high elves are utterly disgusted by the blood elves .

  4. 这是第一纪元高等精灵在贡多林铸造的,

    These were forged in Gondolin by the High Elves of the First Age .

  5. 此名剑是我西方高等精灵宗族所铸造。

    A famous blade forged by the High Elves of the West , my kin .

  6. 有可能高等精灵是从蛮锤矮人那里学习的。

    It is possible that high elves would have learned runic magic from the Wildhammer dwarves .

  7. 然而,一部分在达斯雷玛·逐日者带领下的高等精灵拒绝放弃追求奥术魔法。

    Nevertheless , a group of Highborne under Dath'Remar Sunstrider refused to give up practicing arcane magic .

  8. 他无能为力的看着高等精灵在宫殿内滥用永恒之井的魔力。

    He watched helplessly as the Highborne inside the palace abused the Well of Eternity 's magics .

  9. 高等精灵不得不卷起铺盖,向北移居到了另一片充满能量的土地上。

    The high elves packed up their encampment and moved northward towards another land rich with ley energies .

  10. 几千年来,太阳之井源源不断的给被流放的高等精灵提供着强大的魔法。

    For millennia the mystical pool of energy known as the Sunwell fueled the potent magic of the exiled high elves .

  11. 其中的一个组织主要由高等精灵组成,他们的领导者是逐日者王朝的最后一个成员,凯尔萨斯王子。

    One such group , consisting primarily of high elves , was led by the last of the Sunstrider dynasty : Prince Kael'thas .

  12. 高等精灵对家园的沦陷非常悲痛,为了向死去的同胞表示敬意,他们改称自己为血精灵。

    The high elves grieved for the loss of their homeland and decided to call themselves blood elves in honor of their fallen people .

  13. 银色同盟(联盟):拒绝血精灵进入肯瑞托的高等精灵的主战派。

    The Silver Covenant ( A ) - A militant core of high elves that rejects the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor .

  14. 如果有高等精灵不是这么看待血精灵的,通常都会去加入他们。

    Any high elves who did not view the blood elves in such a way once they learned of them likely ended up joining them .

  15. 高等精灵们对太阳之井的保护和珍惜让他们受益不已,甚至当他们在家园外的奎尔塞拉斯时也能从中得到力量。

    For generations the high elves protected and cherished the well , benefiting from its powers even when outside the borders of their homeland , Quel'Thalas .

  16. 面部的纹身和又长又尖的耳朵使高等精灵看起来很像暗夜精灵,但是白色的皮肤和金色的头发则是高等精灵的特征。

    The facial tattoo and the shape of the ears are very night elfish , but the white skin and blonde hair are very high elfish .

  17. 提瑞斯法议会最初是由高等精灵设立的用以秘密的保护世界不再陷入恶魔的堕落魔法,希望消除他们祖先干下的蠢事。

    The Order of Tirisfal was originally forged by the High Elves to secretly protect the world from demonic corruption of magic , hoping to avoid the folly of their ancestors .

  18. 由于血精灵的生活习惯使人数不断减少,所以他们迫切的争取更多高等精灵来加入。

    The blood elves are pushing very hard to get as many high elves as possible to join them , as the blood elf lifestyle has been wearing their numbers down .

  19. 似乎德鲁伊信徒在高等精灵社会中是和主流对立的,并且没有迹象表明有被判信仰的德鲁伊出现。

    It seems to some fans the principles of druidism would be antithetical to the majority of high elves , and it didn 't appear there was any indication of any renegade sect of druids .