
  • 网络Alterac
  1. 银月城的高精灵在奥特兰克平原被伏击。

    The Elves of Silvermoon are ambushed on the plains of Alterac .

  2. 奥特兰克的佩瑞诺德领主与部落达成了一个协议。背叛了联盟。

    Perenolde of Alterac makes a pact with the Horde and betrays the Alliance .

  3. 奥特兰克峡谷,阿拉希盆地和战歌峡谷的战事都歇了下来。

    Hostilities have even ceased in Alterac Valley , Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch .

  4. 然而,在游戏规则方面,奥特兰克山谷在许多层面上还是有缺陷的。

    In terms of gameplay , however , Alterac Valley was flawed on many levels .

  5. 同时他还伪装成达瓦尔·普瑞斯托领主,企图成为奥特兰克的国王,以实现以此毁灭联盟的阴谋。

    He also posed as Lord Daval Prestor and became King of Alterac , in sort of a secondary plot to destroy the Alliance from within .

  6. 在正确的战略下,在新的奥特兰克山谷中战斗将比旧版的产生更多荣誉点数,即使是旧版本的“奥山战场周末”也比不上!

    Played properly , the new Alterac Valley can yield considerably more Honor than the old AV even during AV weekend because of the additional Honor gained from engaging in combat .

  7. 我们将继续关注奥特兰克战场阵营间的平衡,当一方占有先天的战略优势时修正它。如果将来有需要时我们会马上做出进一步修改。

    We will continue to track the balance of the battleground and the factions as they fight for supremacy in Alterac Valley , and continue to make further changes as needed .