
  • 网络ALDO
  1. 警方和检察官操纵目击证人指证奥尔多。

    Police and prosecutors manipulated the eyewitnesses so they would finger Aldo

  2. Candy总裁奥尔多•福玛加利(AldoFumagalli)承认,该公司发现,适应中国国情比想象中要难。

    Aldo Fumagalli , Candy 's president , admits the company has found adapting to China more difficult than he imagined .

  3. 唷,奥尔多,你知道的?近来我已经作了些事情了。

    Yo , aldo , you know , I 've been doing some thinking lately .

  4. 基于奥尔多投资研究中心的《中国投资者行为调查问卷》,本文计算了我国2007年城市和农村中财富等于或小于0家庭的财富分布。

    Based on the Aordo 's Chinese Investor Behavior Survey , this paper computes the Chinese urban and rural households'wealth distribution whose wealth is equal and lee than zero in2007 .