
  • 网络illidan;Illidan Stormrage
  1. 纳迦和血精灵夺回伊利丹,将他释放。

    The naga and blood elves recaptured Illidan and freed him .

  2. 玛法里奥又一次轻松达成了伊利丹未达成的目标。

    Once again Malfurion had effortlessly achieved a goal that Illidan could not .

  3. 绝大多数暗夜精灵现在认为伊利丹既莽撞又强大。

    Most night elves now recognized him as both reckless and powerful .

  4. 由于他的行为,玛法里奥流放了伊利丹。

    He is banished by Malfurion for his actions .

  5. 她责怪伊利丹害死了泰兰德。

    She blamed Illidan for tyrande 's death .

  6. 但是,背叛者伊利丹的到来撼动了他对外域的统治。

    And when the time is right , the betrayer will become , the betrayed .

  7. 当玛法里袄和泰兰德发现他们的命运时,伊利丹依旧在寻找自己的道路。

    When Malfurion and Tyrande had found their destiny , Illidan was still searching for his .

  8. 在解救出伊利丹之后,凯尔萨斯向伊利丹寻求治愈血精灵魔瘾的方法。

    After the rescue , Kael'thas beseeched Illidan for a cure to the blood elves'addiction to magic .

  9. 由于走了捷径,阿尔萨斯在寒冰王冠魔兽世界巫妖王是谁的山顶截住了伊利丹。

    The Shortcut fulfilled its purpose and Arthas intercepted Illidan on the peak of the Icecrown glacier .

  10. 担心着玛法里奥,泰兰德拒绝了伊利丹,说他说的太迟了。

    Worrying about Malfurion , Tyrande rebuked Illidan , who saw that he had spoken too late .

  11. 凯尔萨斯宣誓效忠教授血精灵吸取魔力方法的伊利丹。

    Kael'thas pledged his allegiance to Illidan , who taught several blood elves the techniques he had offered .

  12. 在成功地阻止了伊利丹之后,玛法里奥和泰兰德回到灰谷的家园去照顾他们的人民。

    Naturally Illidan made no mention of his pact with Kil'jaeden , for Malfurion would not have understood .

  13. 在伊利丹获得胜利后不久,玛法里奥和泰兰德回到了森林中遇到了伊利丹。

    Not long after Illidan 's victory , Malfurion and Tyrande returned to the forest and confronted Illidan .

  14. 通过这一次突然袭击,伊利丹就把玛维的姐妹们杀光。

    In one fell swoop , Illidan had wiped out almost all of Maiev 's sisters in justice .

  15. 泰兰德•风语者:伊利丹曾经是一位伟大的英雄。我相信他能再次成为一位英雄。

    Tyrande Whisperwind : Illidan was considered a great hero once . I believe he will become one again .

  16. 很自然的,伊利丹隐瞒了他与基尔加丹的约定,因为这是玛法里奥不会理解的。

    Taken aback by Illidan 's power , Malfurion decided that Illidan was too dangerous to be left free .

  17. 玛维不想浪费宝贵的时间去寻找泰兰德,因为伊利丹还逍遥法外。

    With Illidan still on the loose , Maiev refused to spend precious time tracking down the high priestess .

  18. 同兽人和恶魔之间的关系不同,血精灵并不是受制于伊利丹。

    The blood elves are not bound to Illidan as , say , the orcs were to the demon Mannoroth .

  19. 他从地下召唤出根须,把她绑得紧紧的,然后和伊利丹一起去寻找泰兰德。

    He called roots out of the ground to hold her fast while he and Illidan departed to seek out Tyrande .

  20. 作为交易的条件,伊利丹将会得到巨大的力量并在燃烧军团的领导者中占有一席之地。

    In exchange , Illidan would receive untold power and a true place amongst the remaining lords of the Burning Legion .

  21. 这个时候,伊利丹已经得到了一个强大的神器:萨格拉斯之眼。

    By the time they confronted illidan , however , he had already retrieved a magical artifact : the eye of sargeras .

  22. 在第三次战争后,伊利丹怒风杀害了几乎全部的守望者,守望者组织也因此而消失。

    Illidan Stormrage killed almost all of the watchers after the third war , at which point the group ceased to exist .

  23. 无论如何,由于玛法里奥的行动,导致了伊利丹的失败,约定失去了意义。

    In any case , due to Malfurion 's interference , Illidan had failed , and so the pact was now void .

  24. 血精灵和伊利丹之间的交易说的不是非常清楚,所以我来解释一下。

    The deal the blood elves made with Illidan wasn 't clearly defined , so I 'll take a moment to explain it .

  25. 相反,伊利丹教他们如何从他人身上剥夺奥秘魔法的力量,用来满足他们自己的魔法毒瘾。

    Rather , Illidan taught the blood elves how to strip beings of arcane energies to feed themselves and thus sate their magic addiction .

  26. 他(伊利丹)利用萨格拉斯之眼的力量令墓穴坍塌,让海水漫延进来,把看守者团团围住。

    He used the power of the Eye to collapse that section of the tomb , flooding the area with water and trapping the Watchers .

  27. 玛维从抓紧的植物中逃脱出来,集合仅存的战士,这花了很长时间,足够让伊利丹救出泰兰德了。

    Freeing herself from the grasping plants and gathering her few remaining soldiers took Maiev long enough that Illidan succeeded in saving the high priestess .

  28. 伊利丹不是直接被中国人干掉的,他的一把刀是中国制造的,他死于铅中毒

    Illidan wasn 't directly killed by the Chinese , figures out one of his blades was made in China and he died of lead poisoning

  29. 在泰兰德的帮助下,伊利丹控制住了自己,并帮助兄弟找到了隐居的半神塞纳留斯。

    However , with Tyrande 's patient support , he was able to restrain himself and help his brother find the reclusive demigod , Cenarius .

  30. 亲爱的,有了伊利丹的帮助,我们可以将恶魔赶回去,并挽救我们所深爱的家园。

    My love , with Illidan 's help , we will drive the demons back once again and save what is left of our beloved land !