
  1. 《神探夏洛克》第三季有望于2013年早些时候开拍,而《Elementary》势必会成为CBS台2012-2013秋季档的一大热门。

    A third series of Sherlock is expected to begin filming in early 2013 , while Elementary is a strong contender for the CBS 2012-13 television season .

  2. 《神探夏洛克》第三季结局集《他最后的誓言》将会在英国时间1月12日播出,而《神探夏洛克》第三季会在1月19日在美国PBS播出。

    The Season 3 finale of Sherlock , His Final Vow , airs on Sunday , Jan. 12 in the UK , while the third season premieres in the US on Sunday , Jan. 19 on PBS .

  3. 《神探夏洛克》第三季将于下周与3月18日开始拍摄,有望在今年秋天播出。

    Filming of Sherlock season three begins on Monday ( 18 March ) with the series expected to air in the autumn .

  4. 相对于第三季开播集,《神探夏洛克》第三季第二集《三签名》的收视人数有所下跌。

    Ratings for the second episode of Sherlock Season 3 , The Sign of Three , were down slightly from the season premiere .

  5. 《神探夏洛克》第三季在中国主流视频网站优酷上同步发布,离英国首播的时间只晚两个小时。

    The show was launched on Youku , a Chinese video-hosting website similar to YouTube , just two hours after its premiere in Britain .

  6. 同时,康伯巴奇终于回归到《神探夏洛克》第三季的拍摄中,预计该片会在今年晚些时候播出。

    Meanwhile Benedict has returned to filming the third series of the hugely popular Sherlock , which is scheduled to air later this year .

  7. 这位出演了《霍比特人》的英国演员,目前正在和搭档本尼迪克特康伯巴奇一起拍摄《神探夏洛克》第三季,他说他对这部剧非常忠诚。

    The Hobbit star , who is currently filming for the third series of the crime drama with co-star Benedict Cumberbatch , said that he is very loyal to the programme .

  8. 去年12月,英国首相大卫·卡梅伦访问中国,他还在中国版的推特——新浪微博上开设账号,中国的微博用户最迫切的请求就是希望首相大人能催《神探夏洛克》第三季快点播。

    When UK Prime Minister David Cameron visited China in December and opened an account on weibo , China 's version of Twitter , the top request for him was to speed up the release of the new series of Sherlock .

  9. 去年12月,英国首相大卫·卡梅伦访问中国,他还在中国版的推特&新浪微博上开设账号,中国的微博用户最迫切的请求就是希望首相大人能催《神探夏洛克》第三季快点播。

    When UK Prime Minister David Cameron visited China in December and opened an account on weibo , China ` s version of Twitter , the top request for him was to speed up the release of the new series of Sherlock .

  10. 去年12月,英国首相大卫卡梅伦访问中国,他还在中国版的推特——新浪微博上开设账号,中国的微博用户最迫切的请求就是希望首相大人能催《神探夏洛克》第三季快点播。

    When UK Prime Minister David Cameron visited China in December and opened an account on weibo , China & 0 \# 39 ; s version of Twitter , the top request for him was to speed up the release of the new series of Sherlock .

  11. 视频网站优酷最早放出该剧的中文字幕版,该网站的数据显示,《神探夏洛克》第三季的首播集收视人数达到了8973万,让此剧成为互联网上有史以来最多人观看的剧集之一。

    According to statistics provided by Youku.com , the video website where the TV program was initially released with Chinese subtitles , viewership for Sherlock 's third season premiere totaled 89.73 million people , making it one of the most popular TV shows on the web .

  12. 今年一月,编剧宣布《神探夏洛克》将拍摄第三季,并仍由本尼迪克特康伯巴奇和马丁弗里曼出演。

    A third series of Sherlock - which stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman - was announced in January .