
  • 网络mythological thinking;Mythical Thought;Fable Thought;pensee mythique
  1. 再次,与神话思维的特征相关,神话具有直感性与情感的统一性,但是神话中的情感不同与艺术中的情感;

    The third , be related to the characters of mythical thought , myth had unified intuitive images and feelings , but feelings of myth is different from that of art .

  2. 人物无名化和神话的纳入彰显着神话思维的魅力。

    Adoption Nameless figures and myth express the charm of mythical thought .

  3. 第二章着重阐述原始&神话思维的本质范畴。

    The second chapter stress expound the essence of the myth ?

  4. 17年革命历史题材小说中的神话思维

    Mythological Thought in 17 - year Historical Novels of Revolution

  5. 神话思维与转向经验的历史哲学

    Historical Philosophy of Myth Thinking and Turning " Experience "

  6. 《庄子》神话思维探因

    Discussion on the reason of myth thinking in Chuang Tzu

  7. 中国上古神话思维与审美意识发生

    Chinese Primitive Mythology and the Generation of Aesthetic Consciousness

  8. 神话思维对《庄子》文本特征的形成有着深刻而内在的影响。

    Mythical thinking has incisive and potential influence on textual characteristics of Zhuang Zi .

  9. 神话思维中的自我主体范畴脱胎于原始的灵魂范畴。

    The self main body in myth thought originated from the primitive soul category .

  10. 神话思维出现于原始社会,但在《易经》问世的商周之际,这种思维依然流行,并对《易经》产生较大的影响。

    Mythological thinking appeared in primeval society .

  11. 神话思维的三个基本结构形式是空间、时间和数。

    The three basic structural form of myth though are space , time and figure .

  12. 它反映了同一文化源头民族共同的原始神话思维。

    It has reflected nationality 's common primitive mythical thinking of the same cultural source .

  13. 这种认为发泄了欲望就可以包治百病的思维显然是一种典型的神话思维。

    Such a desire to vent that can cure the thinking apparently is a typical Myth .

  14. 以上各个特征之间互相渗透、不可分割,共同形成中国上古神话思维的整体特征。

    All the features are closely connected , they constitute the whole distinguishing characteristics of Chinese primitive mythology .

  15. 中国传统汉诗之诗体有其神异的魅力就在于中国传统诗人侧重于以神话思维来把握诗歌世界。

    The miraculous power of traditional Chinese poetry is resulted from the poets'preferences to mythical thinking in their composing of their works .

  16. 神话思维蕴藏着人类心灵的普遍内在结构,也是结构主义传播理论研究的重要起点。

    Mythologies reveal the common inner structure of man 's mind , which is also an important starting point of the structuralism dissemination theory .

  17. 在对话中,神话思维和理性思维相互补充、相互依赖,共同描绘出人类复杂的精神世界图景,为人类认识自身提供了新路径。

    Mythos and logos are connected with each other , thus forming the man 's complicated mind , which can help people know themselves .

  18. 形成庄子神话思维的原因是商代文化的传承、楚地宗教氛围的滋养、庄子独特个性的影响和黑暗现实的激发;

    Myth thinking of Chuang Tzu results from the culture of Shang Dynasty , the religious circumstance of Chu , personality and gloomy reality .

  19. 汉代文人在理性思维和神话思维中,对于人在同构关系中的作用给出了不同的解释。

    Scholars in Han Dynasty , in their rational and mythological thinking , have provided different interpretations concerning man 's role in this isomorphic relationship .

  20. 然而,神话思维和神话意识则共时性地隐匿于人们的心理结构之中,对文明和文化依然施加了重要影响。

    However , the mindset and consciousness of myth remain hidden synchronically in people 's psychological structure , exerting significant influence on culture and civilization .

  21. 二是从文本底层挖掘潜藏在其中的神话思维与古代神话以及人类的原始思维的相似性。

    Secondly , the underlying text mining from which were hidden in the myth of ancient myth and human thought and original thinking of the similarity .

  22. 从理论变革角度看,在确定性追求的道路上,人类总体上先后经历了神话思维、本体论思维以及主体性思维等不同的阶段。

    On the whole , humankinds pass through different stages such as myth , ontology thinking , and self-conscious thinking during the pursuit of the certainty .

  23. 本文从神话思维、神话形象、神话情节、神话主题等若干方面论述神话与神魔小说的关系。

    This text expounds the relations about mythology and supernatural - evil spirit novels from mythical thinking , mythology vivids , mythical plots , mythical themes , etc.

  24. 第四章以神圣情感和宗教的中心象征为基础,分析昆仑的神话思维与宗教信仰。

    The last part is to analyze the mythological and religious thoughts of Kun Lun , with the basis of the sacred feeling and religious symbol as world center .

  25. 从神话思维的隐喻性可见希腊神话某些原初性的叙事特征,如神话叙事的象征性、荒诞性、特殊的逻辑性等。

    Metaphor can be seen from the mythological thinking of some of the original and narrative features of Greek mythology , such as symbolic of the mythological narrative , absurdity , and special logic .

  26. 由于少数民族社会的现代转型造成文化传统的失落与神话思维的崩解,其审美文化的原创性面临着破坏与消解的危险。

    Because the transformation to modernization in the minority nationality communities brings about the loss of their cultural traditions and the dissolution of their mythical thinking , the originality of their aesthetic cultures is facing the danger of being destroyed and dissolved .

  27. 在神话思维和神话叙事的辩证关系中,原始神话思维特点和思维形式切实影响到希腊神话的叙事实践,而希腊神话叙事也切实体现了原始神话思维影响的痕迹。

    From the dialectical relationship between the characteristics of the original myth of thinking and thinking in the form real impact , the narrative of Greek mythology embody the traces of the original myth of thinking impact and the originality and uniqueness of the Greek mythology .

  28. 在神话思维中死亡都是非自然的,所以灾难电影中的人们总是因为外在的力量受到生命的威胁;因为神话思维相信永生,所以灾难电影的结局永远都充满人类繁衍的希望。

    In the mythology of death is thought unnatural , so people in the disaster movie because of external forces are always under the threat of life . Because the myth of thinking that eternal life , the outcome of disaster movies always have the hope of human reproduction .

  29. 上古神话的小说思维

    The Novel Thinking of the Ancient Myths

  30. 正因为如此,山水诗表现出强烈的神话色彩和感性思维特征;

    So the nature poetry shows intensively mythology feature and perceptual thinking characteristic ;