
  • 网络Mass spectrometer;MDS Sciex;Micromass
  1. 实验中,从色谱中分离出来的多肽经过CID过程被裂解成碎片离子,这些离子的质量/电荷比值(m/z)被质谱仪器检测到,形成串联质谱。

    During experiments , the peptides separated from liquid chromatographers are fragmented and ionized by collision-induced dissociation ( CID ) and the ions are measured by mass spectrometer in mass / charge ratios ( m / z ) .

  2. 有机质谱仪器的现状及发展趋势

    Present situation and development of organic mass spectrometers

  3. 用于分析高分子量物质的质谱仪器

    Instrumentation in High Molecular Weight Mass Spectrometry

  4. 例如:质谱仪器,冰箱流水线,真空冷冻干燥机等。

    For example : mass spectrometry , and refrigerator assembly line , vacuum freeze-drying machine .

  5. 本文详细介绍了磁式质谱仪器分析高分子量物质时所采用的电离方式、质量分析器类型以及离子检测手段,并提出了一些新的设想。

    Ionization , analysis in sector mass spectrometers and detection of high molecularweight compounds are discussed .

  6. 利用大体积进样技术结合气相色谱-质谱仪器,对二恶英的测定效果进行了研究。

    Performance for dioxin determination by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry coupled with large volume injection was studied .

  7. 收集来的气体先用色谱和质谱仪器分析其成分。

    They used gas chromatographic-mass spectroscopic analysis to work out which particular gases were present , and in what concentrations .

  8. 质谱仪器的种类繁多,譬如四极杆质谱、离子阱质谱、飞行时间质谱等。

    There are many types of mass spectrograph , such as quadrupole mass spectrograph , ion trap mass spectrograph , time-of-flight mass spectrograph , etc.

  9. 与领先的临床基准实验室合作旨在推进全行业逐渐使用质谱仪器来进行激素分析。

    This collaboration with a leading clinical reference laboratory is intended to help drive the industry-wide move toward increasingly using mass spectrometry to conduct hormone analysis .

  10. 对上述两种质谱仪器的原理进行了介绍,提出了动态检测的系统方案。

    Instructions of time of flight mass spectrograph and quadrupole mass spectrograph are given , and the scheme of dynamic measuring system for gaseous emission from an engine are presented .

  11. 质谱仪器作为蛋白质组学研究领域中一个重要的技术支撑,本章节对质谱仪器的发展状况进行了简单的综述,包括其核心部件离子源、质量分析器和检测器技术的发展状况。

    As an important technical support platform of proteomics research fields , the development of mass spectrometry instrument , including its core components like ion source , quality analyzer and detector technology were reviewed in this chapter .

  12. 在后基因组时代,随着人类和其他模式生物基因组测序的完成以及质谱仪器和方法取得的重要突破,蛋白质组学在基础研究和临床应用等方面取得了巨大进展。

    In the post-genomic era , with the completion of large-scale genome sequencing for human and model organisms , and a great breakthrough in the mass spectrometry , proteomics has made big progress in both basic research and clinical application .

  13. 我们还借助于~1H-NMR谱、~(13)C-NMR谱、质谱等仪器分析手段确定了化合物的结构。并用HPLC测定了Fmoc-氨基酸衍生物的纯度。

    In the last respect , the structures of above mentioned compounds are determined with the aid of 1H-NMR , 13C-NMR and MS , and the purity of N-Fmoc-protect β - amino acids is measured through HPLC .

  14. 质谱分析仪器有限公司(微星)专门从事高性能磁业双聚焦质谱仪仪器。

    Mass Spectrometry Instruments Ltd ( MSI ) specializes in high performance magnetic sector double focusing mass spectrometer Instruments .

  15. 并对常见的质谱技术和仪器进行了比较。

    Furthermore , different instruments and techniques of LC-MS are compared and evaluated in the paper .

  16. 从进样系统、离子源、质量分析器、离子检测器和辅助系统5个方面综述了电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)仪器的进展,并简要介绍了ICP-MS在烟草元素分析中的应用。

    The advance in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer ( ICP-MS ) was reviewed from the views of sample infeed , plasma source , mass analyzer , ion detector and auxiliaries . The application of ICP-MS in tobacco analysis was also introduced .

  17. 电子鼻、气相色谱质谱等化学分析仪器也可用于人体气味的检测分析。

    The human body odor can also been analysis by Electronics nose and gas chromatography mass spectrometry ( GC / MS ) .

  18. 报道了实验室研制的电喷雾离子源,具有射频四极杆接口的高分辨飞行时间质谱(ESI-QQQ-TOFMS)仪器。

    An high resolution ESI QQQ TOFMS coupled with three sect quadrupoles is reported . The home made instrument in the laboratory has a number of features .

  19. 搜索逆转数据库法,能够降低蛋白质串联质谱鉴定数据的假阳性率,提高数据的可靠性,并且使得来自不同技术路线、不同质谱仪器以及不同实验室的数据具有可比性。

    The False positive rate of protein identifications for tandem mass spectrometry is reduced and the reliability of these data is improved and the data come from different strategies , mass spectrometry and labs can be compared by using the method of random database searching .

  20. 双聚焦质谱仪是由实现方向聚焦功能的磁场分析器和实现能量聚焦功能的静电场分析器构成的质谱测量仪器。

    Double focusing mass spectrometer is the mass spectrometer which have functions on the focus of the direction and energy , it consists of a magnetic analyzer and an electrostatic field analyzer .