
  • 网络Open world;open-world
  1. 这些制品一旦部署到ESB,它们将把大型机的数据流转换成开放世界中的对象。

    Once deployed in that ESB , these artifacts will convert streams of mainframe data into open world objects .

  2. 在情态演算中,可以对行动进行公理化,可以描述行动的时间性、并发性及agent的信念和知识,可用Prolog实现在开放世界中带有感知行动的规划。

    In the situation calculus , actions , the concurrency and time of actions , belief and knowledge of the agent are formally characterized and the plans with sensing actions are implemented by Prolog in an open world .

  3. OPS是我们基于开放世界假设构造的一个新的逻辑系统,它是一个三值逻辑系统的二值化。

    And we constructed a logic system OPS based on the open-ended world assumption . It is a special kind of two-valued logic system .

  4. 甲骨文本届开放世界大会有哪些亮点?

    What will be the highlights at Oracle open world ?

  5. 基于开放世界预设的3-值命题演算系统

    The Three-Valued Sentential Logical Structure Based on the Open-World Assumption

  6. 基于开放世界预设的3&值逻辑的列表证明系统

    Tableaux for 3-valued Sentential Logic Based on Open-world Assumption

  7. 本文为将遗留AS/400元素发布到开放世界中提供了一个新的角度。

    This article provides a new dimension to expose Legacy AS / 400 elements to the open world .

  8. 今天,这意味着气候变化是比进一步开放世界贸易或者资本流动更优先的事项。

    Today this means climate change is a higher priority than further opening of world trade or capital flows .

  9. 因为现在很可能是有活力的开放世界经济的最后机会。

    For what is happening now may well be the last chance for an open and dynamic world economy .

  10. 本文致力于研究定义在满足开放世界预设的可能世界集合上的命题的逻辑结构。

    This paper concentrates on the logical structure of the propositions defined on the set of possible worlds which satisfies Open World Assumption .

  11. 电子政府作为虚拟互联世界的一个重要组成部分,是没有地理和物理间隙的网络开放世界。

    Electronic government as virtual interconnected world is an important part of , there is no physical geography and the network open world .

  12. 就开放世界中的中国研究来讲,我们还希望把视野扩大到中国之外,展开一种超越哲学、思想和思想史研究框架的新研究。

    With regard to Chinese study in the open world , we expect to expand our view out of China to carry out a new investigation transcending philosophy , thoughts and thoughts history .

  13. 中国将开放世界上最吓人的空中走道,位于峡谷中,0.27英里长,高度980英尺,而且由玻璃制成。

    A bridge too far ? China set to open themost terrifying walkway in the world , stretching a quarter-of-a-mile across acanyon at a dizzying height of 980ft ... and it 's made of GLASS

  14. 然而,今天的世界已是一个全球化一体化的开放世界,开放的世界必然面对劳动力多元化及价值取向和思维模式差异化问题,必然面对跨文化领导力的挑战。

    Nevertheless , today 's world has stepped into a new age of global integration , inevitably facing the variety of labor forces , value systems and thinking method , as well as the challenge of cross-culture leadership .

  15. 植物新品种的保护关系到一个国家、地区、企业的经济发展和科技发展水平,农业作为人类赖以生存的产业,逐步成为一个更为开放世界竞争的热点。

    The protection of new plant variety has a bearing on the economic development and the science and technology advance of a country , a region or a company . Agriculture , an industry vital to people 's livelihood , has become a hot spot for the world competition .

  16. 我们要推动贸易和投资自由化便利化,深化区域经济一体化,巩固供应链、产业链、数据链、人才链,构建开放型世界经济。

    We need to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation , deepen regional economic integration , and enhance supply , industrial , data and human resources chains , with a view to building an open world economy .

  17. 当前形势下,我们要坚定不移构建开放型世界经济,维护以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制,反对滥用国家安全之名行保护主义之实。

    Under the current situation , we need to stand firm for building an open world economy . We need to uphold the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core and reject abuse of the “ national security ” concept for protectionist purposes .

  18. 并系统的研究了在开放式世界假设下,基于语义视图的Web语义查询问答与语义查询重写;证明了基于视图的语义查询问答问题与RDF语义查询的包含推理问题之间的等价性;

    Second , based on the Open World Assumption , a proof on the equivalence between the problem of answering RDF-based semantic queries using semantic view and the problem of RDF-based semantic query subsumption inference is presented .

  19. 随着中国加入WTO,流通渠道将会更大范围、更大程度地开放,世界一些知名的经销商将更多地进入中国市场,中国商家将面临严峻挑战。

    Following China 's entry into WTO , circulating channels in China will open up more widely and in greater extent to the outside world and more world-famous sellers will enter China 's market . Chinese business circles are to face serious challenges .

  20. 第二,我们必须维持一个自由开放的世界贸易体制。

    Second , we must maintain a liberal world trading system .

  21. 共同维护和发展开放型世界经济

    To jointly maintain and promote the openness of the world economy

  22. 它应该继续致力于维护一个开放的世界经济。

    It should remain committed to preserving an open world economy .

  23. 中国需要对外开放,世界也需要一个开放的中国。

    China needs to open up and the world needs an open China .

  24. 当代世界是开放的世界。

    The contemporary world is an opening world .

  25. 当今世界是一个开放的世界。

    Current world is an open world .

  26. 第二,维护和发展更加开放的世界经济。

    Second , the G20 should uphold and promote greater openness in the world economy .

  27. 云解决方案所面对的是一个协作、移动、开放的世界。

    Cloud solutions generally embrace a world defined by collaboration , mobility , and openness .

  28. 三十年前,世界开始向市场以及日益开放的世界经济发展。

    Three decades ago the world began moving towards markets and an increasingly open world economy .

  29. 中国的改革开放给世界带来最大的商业机遇

    Bringing The World With Business Opportunities

  30. 现在的世界是开放的世界。

    The present world is open .