
  • 网络Aponeurosis
  1. 目的探讨改良额肌腱膜瓣设计矫治中重度上睑下垂的方法和效果。

    Objective To investigate the method and effect of the modified design of frontalis aponeurosis flap to correct the moderate and severe blepharoptosis .

  2. 提上睑肌腱膜瓣与额肌腱膜瓣悬吊在重度上睑下垂中的应用改良扇形额肌腱膜瓣悬吊术治疗重度先天性上睑下垂

    Frontalis aponeurosis flay and levator palpebrae superior aponeurosis flay on treatment of complete blepharoptosis Clinical discussion of Fan-shaped frontal muscle aponeurosis flap suspension for severe congenital ptosis

  3. 目的观察额肌腱膜悬吊术的远期疗效。

    To observe the long-dated curative effect on frontal muscle aponeurosis suspension .

  4. 叉形额肌腱膜悬吊术治疗中度及重度上睑下垂

    The treatment of moderate or severe blepharoptosis by the forked frontalis-aponeurosis suspension

  5. 应用腓肠肌腱膜瓣翻转术治疗急性闭合性跟腱断伤

    Transfer of the gastrocnemius tendon flap to treat acute closing achilles tendon break

  6. 股四头肌腱膜条张力带内固定在髌骨骨折中的应用

    The treatment of fracture of patella by internal fixation with tension band from musculofascial tendon

  7. 目的:探讨额肌腱膜悬吊术矫正重度上睑下垂的有效性。

    AIM : To study the effects of frontal muscle aponeurosis suspension in the rectification of severe blepharoptosis .

  8. 目的:研究改良的提上睑肌腱膜瓣联合额肌悬吊治疗重度先天性上睑下垂的临床治疗效果。

    Objective To explore the clinical curative effect to correct severe congenital blepharoptosis by connecting frontalis with levator palpebrae superior .

  9. 结果肘关节伸肌起始于肱骨外髁的肌腱膜上,肌腱膜部分随肌肉走行成为肌间隔,部分止于尺骨鹰嘴外侧骨面;

    Results The musculus extensor of the elbow joint originated from the muscle tendon membrane of the external condyle of humerus .

  10. 目的:为临床应用额肌加额肌腱膜组织瓣悬吊上睑、治疗重症上睑下垂症,提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : To provide anatomy information for the treatment of serious ptosis with the complex tissue flap of frontalis and frontalis aponeuroses .

  11. 目的:探讨改良额肌腱膜悬吊术和异体硬脑膜额肌悬吊术治疗儿童重度上睑下垂的疗效。

    Objective : To discuss the curative effects on severe ptosis in children adopting improved frontal myofascial flap lifting and frontalis suspension of allogeneic duramater .

  12. 动静脉穿斜方肌腱膜和深筋膜的部位约位于枕外隆突至乳突尖连线的中、上1/3交界点;

    The position of the arteria and vein through trapezius tendon and deep fascia existed the point of intersection of median and superior 1 / 3 of the line from external occipital protuberance to mastoid apex .

  13. 腹股沟管后壁的内侧部分由腹横肌腱膜筋膜层构成,疝修补时可采用此层的坚实部分与髂耻束缝合,以加强腹股沟管后壁。

    The medial part of posterior inguinal floor was constituted by a consistent structure transversus abdominis aponeurosis and fascial layers , with which the iliopubic tract can be sutured together to reinforce the posterior inguinal floor for the repair of inguinal hernia .

  14. 在125侧成人腹股沟区标本上,解剖观察并测量了腹内斜肌、腹横肌、腹横肌腱膜筋膜层和髂耻束。

    In present study , 125 sides of the inguinal regions in the chinese adults were used for the anatomical observation and measuring on the internal oblique muscle , the transversus abdominis muscle , the transversus abdominis aponeurosis layers , and iliopubic tract .