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  • 网络sirloin;beef sirloin;rib eye
  1. 牛里脊肉还是肉眼牛排?

    Sirloin steak or rib-eye ?

  2. 瘦肉包括以“里脊”结尾的牛肉或猪肉,比如猪里脊肉和牛里脊肉。

    Lean meats include cuts of beef or pork that end in ' loin , ' such as pork loin and sirloin .

  3. 我们今天有上好的牛里脊肉,太太。

    We have a very good sirloin today , madam .

  4. 牛柳:由牛里脊肉切出来的去骨牛排。

    Fillet steak : a boneless steak cut from the tenderloin of beef .

  5. 拉斯维加斯头脑灵活的酒店老板们能迅速用沙拉鲜虾汤来替代牛里脊肉,也几乎能用同样的速度掏空你的钱包。

    Las Vegas 's nimble hoteliers can replace filet mignon with shrimp cocktail almost as quickly as they can take your money .

  6. 他说,消费者可以选择比较瘦的红肉,比如牛里脊肉或腹腿牛排,而不要选择肋眼牛排这样的高脂肪部位。

    He said consumers could choose lean cuts of red meat such as sirloin tips or round steak over high-fat cuts like rib-eye .

  7. 荤菜要选瘦肉,比如去皮的鸡胸肉、火鸡汉堡、猪腰肉和牛里脊肉等。

    For meat dishes , look for leaner cuts , such as skinless chicken breasts , turkey burgers , pork loin and beef sirloin .

  8. 然而我们大多数品酒的人,包括你们也一样,都生活在远离葡萄收成的地方,正如我们昨晚烤的那块美味的牛里脊肉,是来自在遥远的他乡饲养的牛一样。

    While most of us , including yours truly , are as distant from that harvest as we are to the steers that supplied the nice rib eye we seared last night .