
  • 网络Beef paste;ground beef
  1. 香辣牛肉酱的生产工艺

    The processing technique of savoury beef paste

  2. 红烧牛肉酱调味料的品质控制

    Quality control of the burning beef paste seasoner

  3. 豆豉牛肉酱食品工艺的研究

    Research on the processing of beef paste with fermented soybeans

  4. 精选的黄油意大利面配牛肉酱或鸡肉酱和莫扎里拉芝士。

    Our selected butter spaghetti topped with minced beef or chicken and mozzarella cheese .

  5. 但是现在我就做炒牛肉酱。

    But now I can make sloppy joes .

  6. 我在厨房给你们留了一整包牛肉酱

    I left a whole load of sloppies in the kitchen for you guys .

  7. 细化加工技术与牛肉酱品质特性研究

    Study on the Relationship of Pretreatment and Shivering Technology with the Quality of Beef Jam

  8. 或者,把它们做成素食版的炒牛肉酱;亦或用生姜、大蒜、辣椒炒熟来振奋一下食欲。

    Or try them in vegetarian sloppy joes or saut é ed with ginger , garlic and chili for a vibrant side .

  9. 你会吃到一大碗拉面,很大份量的牛肉酱,上面还撒着大葱和香菜。

    You 'll get a pile of noodles with a generous dollop of minced beef in sauce , garnished with scallions and cilantro .

  10. 胡萝卜香辣牛肉酱是以辣椒、胡萝卜、牛肉为主要原料,配以洋葱、植物油及天然调味料等,经过油炸、炒酱和熬制等工序制成。

    Spicy and fragrant carrot-beef paste was made from materials as carrot , onions , vegetable oil , natural seasonings and color agent after fried , boiled and got an instant seasoning paste .

  11. 现在,重复上面的这道程序,一层面皮,接着倒入剩余的牛肉酱,然后是贝夏梅尔乳沙司,最后帕玛桑奶酪。

    Now , repeat the process , the lasagna , followed by the rest of the Bolognese then the B é chamel sauce and finally the parmesan cheese giving it a generous topping .

  12. 这则菜谱包括了所有传统的配料:洋葱,大蒜,牛肉酱,番茄和红芸豆。但备受争议的是:总统先生还加入了新配料&红葡萄酒醋。

    The chili recipe contains all the usual ingredients : onions , garlic , ground beef , tomatoes and red kidney beans , but it 's the addition of red wine vinegar that is creating a stir .

  13. 一层浓厚的牛肉酱,加上又咸又辣的豆瓣酱(最好是来自四川郫县的豆瓣酱),让麻婆豆腐具有醇厚的口味和口感。

    A thick , luxurious beef sauce flavored with salty and spicy chili-beanpaste ( preferably from Sichuan 's Pixian County , home to the province 's oldest chili-beanpaste workshop ) lend the dish its over-the-top taste and plush texture .

  14. 为满足中小型方便面企业的需求,该文介绍了红烧牛肉方便面酱包和粉包的配方及制作方法。

    In order to meet the demand of various instant noodle factories , this article introduces the ingredients of catsup bag and seasoning bag in goulash instant noodle .

  15. 本公司主要经营油制香辣酱,香椿叶辣椒酱,牛肉麻辣酱,辣椒丝,辣椒,花生,大豆,豆豉等。

    The company mainly engaged in oil incense sauce , cedar leaf chili sauce , beef , spicy sauce , chili , peppers , peanuts , soybeans , tempeh , etc.

  16. 沙嗲牛肉或椰酱辣子鸡该配什么葡萄酒?

    How about beef satay , or chicken in a spicy coconut sauce ?

  17. 以牛肉、番茄酱为主要原料,研究了番茄牛肉条方便食品的工艺和配方。

    Study on the anti-pathogenic activities of capsaicin and effects of its antiseptic application to ketchup ;

  18. 面食用沙司;含有蘑菇、火腿、剁碎的蔬菜、牛肉和西红柿酱。

    Sauce for pasta ; contains mushrooms and ham and chopped vegetables and beef and tomato paste .

  19. 我做的炒牛肉“杰”其实就是炒牛肉酱

    I make my famous sloppy Jays , which are really sloppy joes ...

  20. 正交试验表明:精牛肉、红辣椒、盐糖比是影响胡萝卜香辣牛肉酱风味的主要因素;

    Through orthogonal experiments , the results showed beef , red chilli and salt-sugar proportion is the major factor that impact spicy and fragrant beef-paste on flavor .