
  • 网络fast-casual restaurant
  1. 这两支股票的情况反映了市场目前对休闲快餐业的追捧,包括Panera和Chipotle这类餐饮店也在其列。

    Both offerings highlight the current frenzy over the fast-casual restaurant industry , which also includes eateries like Panera ( pnra ) and chipotle ( CMG ) .

  2. 如今,熊猫餐饮集团(PandaRestaurantGroup)已经成为美国亚洲休闲快餐业的领军企业,2012年的营收超过17亿美元。

    Today Panda Restaurant Group is the nation 's leader in Asian fast-casual eateries , exceeding $ 1.7 billion in revenue in 2012 .

  3. Technomic指出,包括FiveGuys和CornerBakeryCafe在内的休闲快餐经营商把更新鲜的食材、个性化下单和快餐的便捷结合在了一起。

    Fast-casual restaurants , including others such as Five Guys and Corner Bakery Cafe , mix of fresher ingredients and custom ordering with the convenience of fast-food .

  4. 人手短缺的休闲快餐——冻酸奶、杯子蛋糕与茶饮店;

    Understaffed fast casual restaurants - frozen yogurt , cupcake and tea shops ; pok é bars ;

  5. 而投资者喜欢休闲快餐业的股票是因为它们的运营成本比那些高档餐厅要低,同时还能满足消费者对价格低、上菜快、而且显得健康的饮食的需要。

    Investors are fans of fast casual because they have lower operating costs than fancier sit-down restaurants , and they meet consumers ' demand for cheap , ostensibly healthy meals on-the-run .

  6. 在此期间,消费者开始转向其他休闲快餐。其每月造访的顾客中,19-21岁的消费者增加了2.3%,22-37岁的消费者增加了5.2%。

    Over that period , consumers have shifted their mealtimes to fast-casual chains where monthly visits increased by 2.3 percentage points for those age 19 to 21 and 5.2 percentage points for those age 22 to 37 .

  7. 赛百味正面临来自帕尼罗面包和契普多墨西哥烤肉等休闲快餐连锁的激烈竞争,该公司去年在美国本土的销售额下降了3.3%,而后两家连锁店正是以纯天然食材为卖点的。

    Subway is facing fiercer competition from fast-casual chains such as Panera Bread Co and Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc , which tout the purity of their menus.Last year , the Subway chain 's domestic sales fell 3.3 % .

  8. 而同一时期,包括快速休闲餐厅在内的快餐业总体只增长了12%。

    The fast food industry as a whole which includes fast casual restaurants grew by 12 % during that same period .