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  • incorrect;incorrectness;wrong;Invalid;bad;mistaken
  1. 格什温的歌词在今天很可能被视为政治上不正确。

    Gershwin 's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect .

  2. 这样的观点建立在很多不正确的假设之上。

    Such a view rests on a number of incorrect assumptions

  3. 坐着或者走路的时候低头垂肩,这种不正确的姿势会压迫体内的器官。

    Poor posture , sitting or walking slouched over , compresses the body 's organs

  4. 人们对食物经常会有不正确的认识。

    People often have incorrect information about food .

  5. 这种见解半点也不正确。

    Such a view is not the least bit correct .

  6. 他对这个学生的看法不正确。

    He has a mistaken opinion of this pupil .

  7. 经济发展一定能使我们的世界更清洁,这话完全不正确。

    It 's simply not true that economic growth will surely make our world cleaner .

  8. 这可能不正确,但未能认识到这一点的中学毕业生们就会对上大学一事冒险做出错误的决定。

    This might not be right , but school-leavers who fail to acknowledge as much risk making the wrong decision about going to university .

  9. 保持语调平和:在为人们服务时,不要使用太轻的语调,特别是当你误解了他们的文化时(如中文名字的顺序不正确)。

    Keep the tone measured : don 't handle it too lightly , as people can be offered , especially if your error suggests a misunderstanding of their culture ( i . e . incorrect ordering of Chinese names ) .

  10. 也许这在某些情况下是正确的,但通常情况下不正确。

    Perhaps it holds true for some cases , but often it does not .

  11. 我指责他是不正确的。

    I 've been wrong to accuse him .

  12. 给予全体人民以公民权将导致种族统治,这种观点是不正确的

    It is not true that the enfranchisement of all will result in racial domination .

  13. 刑事诉状的措辞不正确。

    The indictment was incorrectly worded .

  14. 这是一种意外后果的例证,用来说明在经济和政治上的不正确刺激的成因。

    This is an instance of unintended consequences . The term is used to illustrate1 the causes of incorrect stimulation2 in economy and politics .

  15. 举例来说,模型验证会捕获例如对C委托的不正确的建模的错误。

    For example , model validation will catch errors such as incorrect modeling of C # delegates .

  16. 结构不正确(比如当缺少结束p标记时)的HTML呢?

    And what about HTML that isn 't structured correctly ( like when a closing p tag is missing )?

  17. 不正确的TCM部件号

    Incorrect TCM part number

  18. 如果CUSTCUSTOMER的评估符合条件的行不正确,那怎么办?

    What if the estimated qualified rows from CUST_CUSTOMER are incorrect ?

  19. 更正make错误可能比更正configure错误需要更多的说明,因为make错误可能反映文件缺失甚至文件中不正确的元素。

    Correcting make errors may require more interpretation than correcting configure errors , because the make errors are likely to reference missing files or even improper syntax within a file .

  20. 在最近的一些Linux机器上,使用普通的旧/bin/cp复制的文件都因为权限位不正确而终止使用。

    On some recent Linux machines , files copied with plain old / bin / cp were ending up with incorrect permission bits .

  21. 不正确使用多卷zip文件。

    Improper use of multi-volume zip file .

  22. 虽然这是不正确的XPath语法,但是括号暗示了不同的优先级。

    Although this is not proper XPath syntax , the parentheses imply a different priority .

  23. 换句话说,使用形容词完全没问题,而且实际上,当我们说“I'mwell”的时候,是把“well”当形容词使用的。你还是认为我刚刚的说法不正确吗?

    In other words , using an adjective is perfectly acceptable , and " well " is -- in fact -- used in adjective form when we say " I 'm well . " Also not worth hearing ?

  24. 如果您在当前级别的DB2中遇到不正确的或意料之外的行为,那么可能是由于某项产品缺陷。

    If you were experiencing incorrect or unexpected behavior in your current level of DB2 , it might have been due to a product defect .

  25. 例如,这种规则将允许我们去测定通过一个状态机转换来连接两个UML类是不正确的。

    For example , such rules would allow us to determine that it is incorrect to connect two UML classes by a state machine transition .

  26. bam元数据版本缺少或不正确。

    BAM metadata version is either missing or incorrect .

  27. 若胫骨与探测器的距离太近,仪器不能正常工作,致使X能谱图谱形畸变,得到不正确的结果。

    When the distance between the tibia and the detector was too small , the instrument would provide the distorted X-ray energy spectrums , so that the obtained data were inaccurate .

  28. 因为当捕获文件上载到SQL管理存储库时该位置不正确,所以这会删除指向工作区的属性。

    Because this location is incorrect when the capture file is uploaded to the SQL management repository , this removes the property that points to the workspace .

  29. 如果JNDI名称不正确,则客户机应用程序将无法定位JMS目的地。

    If the JNDI names are not right , then the client application will not be able to locate the JMS destinations .

  30. 直接使用FFT由数字地震记录来恢复地面位移可能产生包括虚假的长周期分量在内的不正确结果。

    It is possible to yield incorrect results including false long period components , during the restitution of the ground displacement from digital seismograms directly using FFT .