
  • 网络Historiography
  1. 本文从历史编纂学及史学思想两个方面对此加以论述。

    The article expounds its accomplishments of historiography and history thinking .

  2. 史学致用思想与传统历史编纂学的发展

    On the Thought of Serving Practical Purpose and the Development of Traditional Historiography

  3. 近代历史编纂学:编纂原则与演进路径

    Studies on the Compilation of Modern History : Principles and Evolutionary Path

  4. 东南亚历史编纂学上的一部里程碑式的巨著&《剑桥东南亚史》述评

    A Great Milestone-style Work : Book Review on the Cambridge History of Southeast Asia

  5. 刘勰历史编纂学思想刍论&《文心雕龙·史传》读后

    On Liu Xie 's Historical Compilation Science

  6. 历史编纂学:过程与形态

    The Process and Modality of Historiography

  7. 经世致用传统与乾嘉时期的历史编纂学

    The Tradition of Making Study Serve Practical Purposes and the Historiography in Qianlong and Jiaqing Period

  8. 周谷城《中国通史》在历史编纂学上的成就

    On Composing The Integrity Chinese History & About achievement of Zhou Gu-cheng ' Chinese General History

  9. 教授的讲座太深奥了,学生们都想逃避;艰深的形而上学理论;历史编纂学中的一些深奥的问题。

    The professor 's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them ; a deep metaphysical theory ; some recondite problem in historiography .

  10. 中学古诗文训诂与考据以往学术界对它的研究,往往偏重于其史学思想、史学观点以及校勘学、目录学、历史编纂学等方面,而忽略了历史考据的本身。

    The previous academic study is mostly related to its textual criticism , bibliography , history compilation , while paying little attention to the textual research itself .

  11. 本文以《平定金川方略》一书为个案,通过比较研究,探讨其史料价值和在历史编纂学上的意义。

    Firstly , we compare the Records ofJinchuan Battle with Qing s Memoir and Qing s official Files , trying to give the opinion on its historical material value as accurate a.

  12. 传统的心理学历史编纂学接受真理的符合论,认为心理学的发展史是一维的和历时的。

    The traditional historiography of psychology ( THP ), in search of objective historical facts , adopts the correspondence theory of truth and considers the natural science model as its paradigm .

  13. 开展对维吾尔史学发展的研究,对维吾尔历史编纂学及维吾尔文化理性、健康的发展具有重要的学术意义和现实意义。

    The research on uighur historiography has academic and practical significance in both uighur history and the rational and healthy development of uighur culture . Culture Hospital culture is an important position in hospital .

  14. 本文作者正在主持撰写的《中国历史编纂学史》,着重探究传统史学在编纂形态方面的终始过程和多元形态,注意历史本身蕴涵的史学议题与时代思潮的相关度。

    The History of Chinese Historiography , whose compilation is being presided over by the author of this article , particularly investigating the course and multi-modality of traditional historiography history , and probes into the correlation between topics on historiography and thought of time .

  15. 新阶段的史学史学科,在唯物史观指导下,以历史观、史学思想、历史编纂学及史家活动等为研究内容,理论认识提高了一个层次。

    While during the new phase , under the guide of Marxism materialist conception of history , China historians take the historical view , historical thoughts , history compiling and historians ' activities as the main contents of the subject .