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lì jiǔ mí xīn
  • 熟语everlastingly new;unfading
  1. 比如,她最近买了一件GiambattistaValli外套,衣服的肩部很有形,她认为这种新的样子有一定历久弥新的潜力。

    For instance , she recently bought a Giambattista Valli jacket with a more-structured shoulder , a new look that she thinks will have some staying power .

  2. 百年经典历久弥新&评2006拜罗伊特瓦格纳乐剧节

    A Review of the 2006 Wagner Music Drama Festival in Bayreuth

  3. “货真价实”、“历久弥新”可能会取代“奢华”和“专享”这样的词藻。

    Buzzwords like'mass luxury'and'exclusive'are likely to be replaced by terms like'authenticity'and'sustainability .

  4. 语文教师素养研究是一个历久弥新的课题。说它历久,是因为它的历史和语文教育始发同行同在;

    Chinese teacher 's accomplishment research is a newer with time topic .

  5. 对女性生育的研究是一个历久弥新的议题。

    Research on female reproductive behavior is an enduring issue .

  6. 价值观是一个历久弥新的理论问题和实践问题。

    Values are timeless , theoretical and practical topic .

  7. 相比简单膨胀,创造价值才是历久弥新的关键。

    That is more enduring than just getting big .

  8. 时空关系是一个历久弥新的话题。

    The relationship between time and space is a topic with everlasting charms .

  9. 她的经历坎坷曲折,她的性格刚柔相济,她的作品历久弥新。

    She has rough life experience and with the temper toughness with gentleness .

  10. 而价值观问题无论在理论上还是在实践过程中都是一个历久弥新的课题。

    The values both in theory and in practice are always new topics .

  11. 爱情是一坛美酒,历久弥新,永远芳香!

    Love is an altar wine too warm , never indulging fans forever !

  12. 幸福是人类历久弥新的话题。

    Happiness is the good old human topic .

  13. 幸福是一个历久弥新的话题。

    Happiness is an ancient but hot topic .

  14. 《乌鸦》是缠绵的、哀婉的、凄美的,其艺术魅力将历久弥新。

    Its artistic charm will remain fresh forever .

  15. 诗歌研究一直是中国古代文学研究领域一个历久弥新的工作。

    Ancient Chinese poetry and literature has been an area of research involves work .

  16. 效率与公平是一个历久弥新的法律经济学课题。

    Efficiency and fairness is an old and gradually reborn problem about economic laws .

  17. 社会新闻是一个历久弥新的话题。

    Social news is a timeless topic .

  18. 侠文化是下层人民的文化,老舍从小就受到了侠文化的影响,而且这种影响是根深蒂固历久弥新的。

    Xia culture is the lower strata 's culture which affected Lao-she during his childhood .

  19. 在美国历史研究领域,清教是个历久弥新、众说纷纭的话题。

    In American history , Puritanism has always been an old topic with various opinions .

  20. 这就为老牌公司指出了一个他们历久弥新的优势。

    This points to an enduring source of advantage for the wealthy companies under attack .

  21. 信任是个历久弥新的话题。

    Trust is a timeless topic .

  22. 这些理念历久弥新,永不过时,是中国外交长期坚持的原则。

    These ideas , never outdated and always vibrant , are long-term principles in Chinas diplomacy .

  23. 这些谜团和人类一样古老,但我们对他们的痴迷却使他们历久弥新。

    Some are as ancient as humanity , but our fascination with them keeps them timeless .

  24. 盖布尔称:“为了让两人的关系历久弥新,你需要努力地经营它。”

    You need to participate in relationships to keep them alive , ' Dr. Gable says .

  25. 萨满文化千百年来的滋养使满通古斯语族民族的神树崇拜历久弥新。

    The nourishing of Shaman culture makes the tree worship of Man-Tungusic nationalities still fresh after long .

  26. 中国传统礼仪和社会主义荣辱观辩证关系的研究四维与五德历久弥新的中华传统荣辱观

    Research on the Dialectical Relationship between Chinese Traditional Ritual and the Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor

  27. 党的革命精神并没有过时,而是历久弥新,具有巨大的精神价值。

    The Party 's revolutionary spirits are not outdated , but rather dateless with great spiritual values .

  28. 人文领域,各国传统友谊历久弥新。

    On the cultural front , the traditional friendships between member states have gone from strength to strength .

  29. 稳重、典雅的建筑外立面色彩,即使若干年后看起来依然历久弥新。

    The sober and elegant colors of the building exterior facade will remain fresh even after several years .

  30. 中巴关系坚如磐石,历久弥新。

    China-Pakistan relationship is strong and solid , like a rock standing firm despite the passage of time .