
  • 网络the end of history;the theory of the end of history
  1. “历史终结论”、“民族国家终结论”、“主权终结论”、“超国家主义”等观点是站不住脚的。

    These viewpoints such as " the end of history "," the end of nation-state "," the end of sovereignty "," super-nationalism " cannot hold water .

  2. 日裔美国学者福山重新提出历史终结论并引起广泛的争议。

    Japanese American scholar Fukuyama proposed the theory of the end of history which aroused widespread dispute .

  3. 揭穿基督教神学和国民经济学之形而上学基础之后,逻辑的结论是历史终结论的破产。

    After exposing the metaphysics as foundation of theology and political economy , it is the logical conclusion that " the end of history " is bankrupt .

  4. 第四部分主要是通过对现实时代问题的描述来解读历史终结论当前所面临的问题。

    The fourth part is mainly the discussion about the problems that the theory of the end of history is currently facing through the description of the problems in modern times .

  5. 总之,两人的历史终结论的差异在一定程度上反映了当今西方世界自由主义和马克思主义关于资本主义历史前景的不同认识。

    In brief , the difference between them on the viewpoints of historical ending expresses the different comprehension on the future of capitalism historically between liberalism and Marxism to certain degree in the west today .

  6. 历史终结论主张文化一元主义,将西方的制度作为一种普适的社会制度,体现出西方中心主义和文化霸权主义的心态,这与当今世界文化多元化的趋向不相符合。

    It advocates cultural monism and considers the Western system to be one that can be used in every country , which shows the psychology of regarding the West as the centre of the world and cultural hegemony , which is not in conformity with the world pluralism today .

  7. 我们可以通过分析这一论辩,尤其是其中有关承认的历史之维与道德之维的讨论,而反省其中的问题意识及其与福山历史终结论的关联。

    Through the analysis of the debate , especially the discussion about dimensions of history and morality of recognition , we can reflect on the consciousness of questions and its relation with Fukuyama 's the theory of the end of history .

  8. 最后,在历史中,梅洛-庞蒂试图通过身体与境遇、个体与群体之间的辩证法来超越相对主义的历史观与历史终结的决定论,最后走向一种垂直生成的存在历史。

    Finally , in the field of history , through the dialectics between body and situation , individual and community , he surpasses the relativism and the determinism of history .