
Ask me any question from the history lesson , l get it right
And your history book is over there .
My French grammar book and French history book had seemed very dull to me .
Try reading a history book .
And my history book also neglected to mention that the guy from China who refused to sign was also a Catholic .
In fact , those old guys in your history textbooks were just as imaginative as we are today at pounding foes into the dust .
Can you imagine what listening to these songs will tell you about life in the Ozarks that you won 't find in a history book ?
It might be a good idea if the various countries of the world would occasionally swap history books , just to see what other people are doing with the same set of facts .
But despite the picture painted by many history textbooks , the majority of those slaves were actually sold to Europeans by other African slave traders - slave traders who had been operating on the continent for thousands of years .
Some of these Italian rescuers are already in the history books : the documentary highlights how Bartali carried false documents for Jews across Italy as he " trained " on his bike , cycling for miles between monasteries and churches .
I just studied from , I remember that Kowloon jade bottle in Qianlong period was also is introduced in that time .
History atlases are supporting textbooks which are written according to the syllabus and curriculum standard issued by the state education commission for History courses . They are essential to middle school students when learning History .