
  1. 我把历史课作为辅修科目。

    I 'm taking History as a subsidiary subject .

  2. 我9点钟有历史课。

    I have a history class at 9 o'clock .

  3. 我们的历史课没有涉及20世纪。

    Our history course didn 't touch the20th century .

  4. 历史课除了可以学习历史知识外,还可以帮助学生独立思考。

    In addition to learning about he past , history teaching can help students to think for themselves .

  5. 宝贝,我来给你补补历史课。

    Here 's a history lesson , honey .

  6. 17岁的高中学生罗伯特·G·赫夫特在历史课上设计了这面国旗。

    Robert G.Heft was the 17-year old high school student who designed the flag for a history project .

  7. 她要做的事情包括:高阶历史课和英语课、声乐课、模拟审判比赛、学生会副主席、爵士乐团、SAT预备课、划船,还有一个男朋友。

    These include advanced-placement history and English , voice lessons , mock trial competition , vice president of student council , jazz ensemble , an SAT preparation course , crew and a boyfriend .

  8. 历史课活动教学设计中的教师;

    The teacher in the activity teaching of history course design ;

  9. 根据从学校的历史课,我认出来了。

    I recognised it out of the history classes at school .

  10. 浅谈快乐教学在初中历史课中的应用

    On the Use of " Pleasant Teaching " in History Class

  11. 老师告诉沃尔特开始上历史课。

    The teacher told Walter to get going-on his history lesson .

  12. 教师利用城堡图画讲解历史课。

    The teacher illustrated the history lesson with pictures of castles .

  13. 他说他的历史课是毫无价值的。

    He says that his history class is for the birds .

  14. 历史课是选修的,但英语课是必修的。

    The history course is optional , but English is compulsory .

  15. 习字过后,我们上了历史课;

    After the writing , we had the lesson in history ;

  16. 美加州立法要求学校开同性恋历史课。

    California becomes first state to mandate gay history in curriculum .

  17. 明天的这个时候,我将在上历史课。

    We will be having a physics class this time tomorrow .

  18. 听一段历史课。

    Listen to part of a lecture in a history class .

  19. 论中学历史课的计算机辅助教学

    On Improvement of Computer Assisted Instruction of History in Middle Schools

  20. 马可在第一堂课推选了历史课。

    Mark dropped history after the first day of the class .

  21. 这些天,爱尔兰的历史课就更加复杂了。

    These days , Irish history lessons are more sophisticated .

  22. 对中学历史课教学素质教育的四点认识

    Four Views on Quality-oriented Education to Middle School Historical Lesson

  23. 中学综合社会课与历史课之比较

    The comparison between social studies course and history course in secondary school

  24. 为了明天历史课的考试,他正在仓促地记诵着史实和日期。

    He is cramming facts and dates for his history examination tomorrow .

  25. 老师按能力将历史课分班。

    The teacher sectioned the history class by ability ratings .

  26. 谈历史课中的科技史教育

    On the Education of Scientific and Technological History in the History Teaching

  27. 我们星期二、星期三、星期五有历史课。

    We had history classes on Tuesday , Wednesday , and Friday .

  28. 神父邀请达尔文去听自己的自然历史课。

    Henslow , who invited Darwin to join his natural history course .

  29. 你多久上地理和历史课?

    How often do you have Geography and History lessons ?

  30. 你是在找我们历史课要用的那本书吗?

    You 're looking for the book we need for history class ?