
lì shū
  • almanac;ephemeris
历书 [lì shū]
  • [almanac] 见历 4

历书[lì shū]
  1. GPS广播星历与历书的精度比较

    Precision Comparison between GPS Broadcast Ephemeris and Almanac

  2. GPS新民用导航电文简约历书的算法和性能分析

    The algorithm and performance analysis of the reduced almanac of GPS civil navigation message

  3. 他试着在图书馆里找过各种历书、年鉴和报纸。

    He tried the various almanacs , annuals and gazettes which were held in the library .

  4. GPS用户利用导航电文中的历书数据进行卫星可见性的计算和预报。

    The almanac data in GPS navigation message is used by the user of GPS to calculate and forecast the visibility of navigation satellites .

  5. 第四节利用YUMA格式历书数据模拟了未受摄动影响的卫星轨道,并在此基础上建立了几种典型的动态仿真测试环境;

    Thirdly , an ideal satellite orbit is simulated , and on this foundation , we establish some typical simulation and testing circumstances .

  6. 山中岁月没有历书记载,冬去春来不知道是何年。

    Winter ends , yet of the year I don 't know .

  7. 导航卫星的历书参数及其拟合算法

    Ephemeris Parameters of Navigation Satellite and Their Fitting Arithmetic

  8. 他们运用这些记录编写出历书。

    They used these records to construct a calendar .

  9. 宣明历定朔计算和历书研究

    A study on the calculation of true new moon and almanac in xuanming calendar

  10. 如今计算机可以测算历书。

    Today computers calculate the ephemerides .

  11. 历书里也指出什么时候太阳大偏北或大偏南。

    The almanac also noted the days when the sun would be far north or south .

  12. 有些人还要在在中国的历书上拣个好日子,才来动手。

    Other do so on a so-called " good day " picked up in the Chinese calendar .

  13. 闲暇之时,班尼卡撰写有关宾州、德拉瓦、马里兰和维吉尼亚的农民历及星象历书。

    In his free time , Banneker wrote the pennsylvania , delaware , maryland , and Virginia almanac and ephemeris .

  14. 徐光启还主持历法的修订,采用第谷体系编译《崇祯历书》。

    He took charge of the revision of the calendar and translated and edited Chongzhen Almanac by means of Tycho system .

  15. 有若干农业历书列出了农民在一年中每个月所需要完成的农活;

    There were , for instance , several agricultural calendars which outlined the tasks performed by farmers in each month of the year .

  16. 《史记·历书》和《汉书·律历志》分别记载了具有同一起算点,但朔望月与回归年平均值不同的两种历。

    There are two kinds of almanac both in Historical Record Almanac and Record Of Han Almanac which have the same start-point but the synodic month and the average of period different .

  17. 时间计量系统的演变大致经历了如下几个阶段:古代的时间计量系统、世界时、历书时、原子时、协调世界时。

    The evolution of time measurement system has experienced the following stages in general : the ancient time measurement systems , universal time , ephemeris time , atomic time and universal time coordinated .

  18. 1791到1802年,他每年出版一本历书。《新中东》一书原为英文版,去年秋冬之交出版。

    He published the journal annually from 1791 to 1802 . The book " The New Middle East " originally was published as an English edition around the end of autumn last year .

  19. 月亮周期并不一定是关于“农事历书”的,甚至也不是夏威夷人遵循来农耕打鱼及庆典的那种月亮周期。

    Moon cycles are not necessarily about what the " Farmer 's Almanac " has to say , or even the Hawaiians that followed the moon cycles for planting and fishing along with celebration purposes .

  20. 受历书数据有效龄期影响,建立在历书数据推算基础上的传统方法只能粗略给出伪码相位和载波频偏不确定范围。

    The traditional uncertainty estimate method is usually based on the valid almanac reckon , however , it can only provide rough range for the uncertainty of pseudo-code phase and carrier frequency shift due to the valid age of almanac data .