
  • 网络historic remains
  1. 为此提出了整理研究古代历史遗存,总结近、现代实践反馈以及抓节约用地等三项课题的建议。认为古代我国在以下三方面是居于世界领先或独具特色即:a.土地利用客观规划;

    It has also advanced the three suggests of studying historic legacy , summarizing modern practice experience and saving land .

  2. 都市文化、历史遗存、民俗风情等人文旅游资源亦独具魅力。

    Human resources , such as urban culture , historical heritages , folk-customs , are attractive and worthful .

  3. 事实上,我们国家很多历史遗存,譬如一些寺庙,直到今天都还在使用。

    Therefore you find some of the world 's greatest monuments of ancient history in and around Beijing .

  4. 遗址博物馆是因保护历史遗存而兴建的专题博物馆,肩负着传播历史文化的职能。

    Ruins Museums are theme museums built to protect historical ruins and with function to propagate history and cultures .

  5. 恢复自然环境重现历史遗存&杭州湖西综合保护工程中的三台梦迹

    Restore the Natural Environment and Make the Historical Legacy Reappear & Santaimengji Spot in the Integrative Conservation Project of Hangzhou West Lake

  6. 但是,在现有研究成果中,尚缺乏对河神信仰系统的考察以及缺乏对河神庙这个特定历史遗存实体的研究。

    However , in the current research , it is lack of the systematic study about He Shen Faith and the river temple .

  7. ·要知道,拆除建筑不仅意味着毁灭一段历史遗存,还面临着大量资源投入再建设。

    To know not only mean the destruction removal of a historic building remains , also face a lot of resources into re-building .

  8. 如何进一步探索近代历史遗存中非物质保护的理论,实现近代历史遗存的生存也因此成为了人们普遍关注的热点。

    So , the hotspot is appeared on how to realize the survival of modern culture heritage with exploring the immateriality theory in it .

  9. 在漫长的人类进程中,文身作为原始文化的历史遗存,成为见证人类原始文明的活化石。

    In the long process of human , the historical and cultural relics as original Tattoo , as witness the living fossils of human civilizations .

  10. 阐述了粤北地区由于经济发展相对滞后,古村落历史遗存保存状况良好的现状。

    Described in Northern Guangdong economic development is lagging behind the historical remains of the ancient village rich and preserved in good condition and the status quo .

  11. 产品特点:选材独特,创意新奇,所用载体均为华夏民族历史遗存的文物及高仿品;

    Features : unique selection , creative novelty , all carriers are used in the history of the Chinese nation 's cultural relics and high imitation goods ;

  12. 除了栖息地和水质保护,绿道的其他目标还包括历史遗存保护,通过绿岛的建设强化地区文化和遗产之间的关系。

    In addition to habitat protection and water quality , greenways are pursuing other objectives , including historic preservation using greenways to highlight area culture and heritage .

  13. 连江至今仍保存为数较多、文化内涵丰富、历史遗存极具地方特色的古村镇。

    Lianjiang so far still preserve a relatively large number of ancient towns and villages which is rich of cultural connotations and of great local characteristic historical remains .

  14. 由于作为大遗址内历史遗存主体内容的空间形态遭受的破坏却一直进行,大遗址的历史特征正在慢慢消失。

    As the main body of the great historical relic & spaces still suffer from damages and demolishment , the characteristics of the great relic are disappearing gradually .

  15. 建国初成立晋祠博物馆,对这组珍贵的历史遗存加以保护,并开始了对晋祠景区的旅游开发。

    Jinci museum was established in early 50s of 20th century , protecting this group of precious historical relics , and began the tourism development of Jinci scenic spot .

  16. 城市化进程中历史遗存片断的可持续保护与利用&以连云港凤凰古城保护开发为例

    Sustainable Preservation and Utilization of the Fragments of Historical Legacy in the Course of Urbanization & Exemplified by the Preservation and Development of the Phoenix Ancient City of Lianyungang

  17. 只有保护好古城历史遗存、建筑风貌和文化符号、民俗风情,才能延续历史文脉,传承古代文明,弘扬传统文化。

    Only when the historical relics , building styles , cultural symbols and folk custom are well protected can the historical context be continued and the ancient civilization be passed down .

  18. 但是这些偏远地区的历史遗存拥有优美的自然环境,具有独特的乡土气息和传统文化特质,是山地地理环境与社会文化的结合体。

    However , the historical relics of the remote regions have beautiful natural environments , unique local flavor and traditional cultural characteristics , thereby being a combination of mountain geographical environments and social culture .

  19. 将历史遗存的牌坊(如科举功名牌坊、贞节牌坊等)个例作为论文的横向研究对象,为论文的理论给予实例的支撑。

    Let historical heritage memorial arch ( such as the imperial fame memorial arch , chastity memorial arch , etc. ) alone as a cross-sectional study object , give support to the theory of the paper .

  20. 本论文以龙游县传统民居为研究对象,不同于以往针对历史遗存的纯研究模式,而是立足于传统,着眼于当代农村建设,对龙游县新民居如何传承传统民居特色做出了探索。

    Different from the previous pure research mode towards to historical remains , the paper grounded in tradition and kept countryside contemporary construction in mind , explored how new dwelling houses inherited characteristics of traditional folk residence .

  21. 西安,一个充满神奇和活力的地方,走近它,你会为历史遗存的完美博大所震叹,又会为现代建设的勃勃生机所感喟!

    Xi'an , one full of magic and the vitality of local , approached it , you will be perfect for the broad historical monuments by the earthquake sigh , will be the vitality of modern building by Hankui !

  22. 独特的建筑风格、丰富的人文资源、珍贵的历史遗存和独特的地域风情等传统文化,使来此的消费者感知到商业街的无穷魅力,并且影响着消费者的惠顾行为。

    Such traditional culture as unique architectural style , rich cultural resources , precious historical relics , unique regional style and so on make consumers who come to the commercial streets perceive their infinite charm and affect consumers ' purchasing behavior .

  23. 书院作为具有特定时代特征的产物,不仅展现了古人的生活方式和伦理准则,更揭示出这些历史遗存所蕴涵的内在文化精神。

    The Classical Academy is a kind of product of particular characteristic in one time . It shows us the way the ancients lived in and the moral principles . It also reveals the culture and spirit inside the historical remains .

  24. 早期脱胎换骨式城市建设方式将城市的历史遗存破坏殆尽,特别是在历史古城基础上发展起来的现代城市,历史的遗迹被现代城市空间分割成为碎片状态。

    The " reborn " mode of urban construction destroyed historical and cultural heritage of city , especially in those modern cities that developed on the basis of historic cities , historical environments were divided to pieces by modern urban space .

  25. 我国多数城市具有一定的历史遗存区,在城市开发中会面临历史遗存区与城市新城区之间的过渡区域的治理问题,将此过渡区界定为旧城边缘区。

    In our country , many cities have an area of history heritage , between the history heritage area and the modern area , there is a special district that we give a definition " the edge area of old city " .

  26. 随着人们对处理好古都风貌保护与现代城市建设的关系认识的不断提高,保护旧城整体风貌、保存真实历史遗存受到越来越广泛的关注。

    With the increasing understanding of making a balance of ancient capital and modern urban construction , more and more focuses have been put on how to protect the overall style of the old city and to save the real historical relics .

  27. 晋祠景区是太原最具特色的旅游区,有着从西周到明清的历史遗存,是我国现存年代最久远、古典式的园林宗祠建筑,历史悠久,文化内涵极为丰富。

    Jinci scenic spot is the most unique tourist area of Taiyuan , and it owns many history remains from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Qing . It is extant and the earliest classical lineage and garden buildings of China , with Long history and rich cultural connotation .

  28. 西部城市建设与利用历史文化遗存

    Western urban construction and utilization of historic and cultural relics

  29. 历史建筑遗存:城市发展的溃疡还是财富?

    Remains of Historical Construction : " Ulcer " or Treasure for Urban Development ?

  30. 南京南郊生态环境优越,历史文化遗存丰富。

    The southern outskirts in Nanjing have health ecological environment and rich historic relic .