
shùn qí zì ran
  • let nature take its course;in accordance with its natural tendency;benign neglect
顺其自然[shùn qí zì ran]
  1. 就顺其自然吧。

    Just let nature take its course .

  2. 我不再为此事发愁了,顺其自然吧。

    I 'll not worry about it . I 'll let nature take its course .

  3. 他还没决定做什么——只是顺其自然。

    He hasn 't decided what to do yet ─ he 's just drifting .

  4. 我并没想过当老师——只是顺其自然就当了。

    I didn 't intend to be a teacher ─ I just drifted into it .

  5. 关于这个问题我无能为力,所以我不如就顺其自然好了。

    There 's nothing I can do about the problem , so I might as well go with the flow .

  6. 萨穆埃尔接受CNN采访时表示,他做了一个很艰难的决定,那就是不要干扰这对组合,让自然法则顺其自然吧。换句话说,那就是:一直游下去吧,小鲹鱼,大胆的向前游吧。

    Samuels told CNN that while it was a difficult decision , he decided to not interfere and " let nature run its course . " In other words , just keep swimming , little trevally , just keep swimming .

  7. 史赛克公司(Stryker)的创始人就是“翻身床”的发明者,借助这个设备,卧床的病人无需挪动身体就能改变在病床上的位置。顺其自然地,这家医疗设备制造商也向自家员工及其家属出借医疗床,分毫不收。

    Considering Stryker 's founder invented the turning frame -- a device that allows patients to be repositioned in bed while keeping their bodies immobile -- it only makes sense that this medical equipment manufacturer lends employees and their families medical beds , free of charge .

  8. 你需要休息,有时顺其自然就很好。

    Youve got to relax , let it happen at times .

  9. 我不想说太多了。希望自己轻松一点,顺其自然吧。

    I don 't want to say so much about it .

  10. 顺其自然而且对人而言是成熟的一部分表现。

    It 's natural and part of maturing as a person .

  11. 有时候顺其自然是最好的

    Well , sometimes it 's best when things just happen .

  12. 这能理解的顺其自然在表达自己。

    That understanding is the one that is expressing itself now .

  13. 只要摸清环境,顺其自然就行。

    Just feel out the environment and go with the flow .

  14. 也许我们就应该顺其自然。

    Perhaps we should just let nature take its course .

  15. 我是说我们顺其自然地奋斗。

    I mean we can let go of the struggle .

  16. 顺其自然不等于放弃。

    Letting go is not the same as giving up .

  17. 现在该是顺其自然的时候了

    Now , it 's time to let nature take its course .

  18. 无论你认为自己是赞成作计划旅行的还是喜欢顺其自然的。

    And whether you consider yourself a planner or a free spirit .

  19. 还是轻轻松松、顺其自然的好!

    Or easy , good to go with the flow !

  20. 但,如果期限到了,顺其自然。

    But , once the deadline is up , let it go .

  21. 我喜欢顺其自然,看会怎样。

    I like to go with the flow , see what happens .

  22. 让一切顺其自然对戈登来说是最后一道防线。

    Letting everything play its course is the final frontier for Gordon .

  23. 不再设计规划、顺其自然,无状态。

    No longer design , planning , naturally , no shape state .

  24. 其他的事情就顺其自然了。

    The rest is going to have to take care of itself .

  25. 数学教学应顺其自然、追求自然

    Mathematics Teaching Should Follow the Nature and Seek the Nature

  26. 我们得顺其自然,你说呢?

    We gotta go with the flow , you know ?

  27. 自然而然地享受每一天,让事情顺其自然地发展。

    Enjoy each day as it comes and let things progress nicely .

  28. 呃,有时候还是顺其自然的好。

    Well , sometimes it 's best just to roll with it .

  29. 结婚也算不上是件顺其自然的事。

    Marriage isn 't a natural state of being .

  30. 事到如今,我们也只好顺其自然了。

    With things as such , we 'll hae to let things slide .