- exterior-line operations;fight on exterior lines

Chapter IV initiative , flexibility and planning in conducting offensives within the defensive , battles of quick decision within protracted war , and exterior-line operations within interior-line operations
As far as the operational lines are concerned , the Japanese are operating on exterior and we on interior lines . unattended wayside radio station
Moreover , by carrying out the policy of fighting on exterior lines our army will be able to reduce the enemy 's manpower and material resources .
Our forces are growing and we have more than a few victories to our credit . However , we must admit that fighting on exterior lines is not so easy and convenient as on interior lines .
The bank should strengthen the construction of brand-manager staff , set up a classified brand management mechanism , and zealously attempt to adopt the strategy utilizing external efforts , to promote the level and standard of brand building .
When the enemy launches a converging attack , he is on the offensive and operating on exterior lines , while we are on the defensive and operating on interior lines . OFFENCE WITHIN DEFENCE , QUICK DECISIONS WITHIN A PROTRACTED WAR , EXTERIOR LINES WITHIN INTERIOR LINES
Taking the war of resistance as a whole , there is no doubt that we are strategically encircled by the enemy , because he is on the strategic offensive and is operating on exterior lines while we are on the strategic defensive and are operating on interior lines .